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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. We as a society need to learn that these people need to be turned away and left to die.
  2. Doh! PS the steelers still suck this year.
  3. Now that's just plain mean. PS the Steelers suck this year. How's it feel? PPS, that's all I got....
  4. Well written, I read the whole thing, and chuckled. I get it. Thanks. PS that might be post of the year right there.
  5. maybe, the wife pays taxes too, she and my kids are covered.
  6. I never said it's good, I said the system needs to go back to the pre WWII model. come on Clay, be fair.
  7. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0QR7EoFvmCg/TgedDZ7N4rI/AAAAAAAAAdU/dXcXFYt1gQQ/s1600/Haters+Gonna+Hate+-+Gators+Gonna+Gait+-+Waiters+Gonna+Wait++-+Taters+Gonna+Tate+-+Graters+Gonna+Grate+-+Painters+Gonna+Paint.jpg This?
  8. Marc, I'm for the ACA if more people pay into the system, and it cuts down on the number of people scamming the system. (go to the hospital, don't pay, and it get's written off to us that pay)
  9. Oh and I have the cheapest family INS plan here. with 1000 other employes. Maybe 60% take the offered health insurance. HOLY CRAP I forgot about the $2000 a year CSCC pays into my HSA account too! thats $17,600. 600 employees x an average of let's say $10,000 a year, is 6 million a year UHC gets from just CSCC.
  10. yes, yes you do, and you over pay by THOUSANDS....
  11. But they are socialist countries..... On this site the opinion socialist/liberal ideas breed lazy dumb people.....
  12. Sorry Clay, An x-Ray at a contract price of $50 1 dose of Motrin, ( over the counter I can buy a years with of children's Motrin for $10) and have to throw it out before it's all used because it expires. And a nurse sticking a needle through a toe nail. Does not compute to $500. That is almost 1/10th of my deductible. For the year. The needle is no different than you digging a splinter out of your hand with a needle.....
  13. How many people in here know how health insurance companies have the model they have today? How many geico, Allstate, nationwide ads do you see a day? Now how many UHC ads do you see? See before WWII health insurance was exactly like car insurance today, the companies competed for your business. They had to market and sell themselves. Well WWII came and there was a hiring freeze, wages were frozen because there were not enough people to fill jobs and we were at war. They couldn't offer you more money to come work for them but they could offer to pay your health insurance.... After WWII health insurance companies said this is great, we'll sponge off of corporate America and not have to have as many clients. Plus we will not have to market and we'll exclude sick people from coverage so we don't have to pay. We need the pre WWII market place back, I should be seeing commercials for sickness forgiveness where I don't pay my deductible because I haven't been sick in 2 years.. Competition in the market... I pay less than $200 for my HSA plan, my employer CSCC (you know state funded), pays $800 of my premium ( A month). My insurance as a whole costs $1300 a month if you count my contribution to my HSA account. $800 of that is paid by the state. Sorry, correction, all $1300 is paid by the state. A fucking month. They pay my entire salary so... My insurance has a net cost by the state of $15,600. A year. Or $13000 a year just to UHC. Imagine if your car insurance was the purchase price every year of a new small car....
  14. How about Logic that many other countries have over the counter antibiotics, and they do not seem to have an epidemic of incurable bacterial infections.... Oh and the cost of Heath care is many many times lower.
  15. That's precisely my point, doctors already over prescribe, it's just an extra cost, direct to the ins company. They will still be taken more than they should be without the cost of the trip to the physician. It doesn't seem to be an issue in Canada....
  16. And for the triple My wife agrees with this and this is how we make the majority of our income. She works for a private firm doing Pre FDA medical trials for drugs (antibiotics and others). It's no secret she makes tons more than I do. And we see how much money is in just bringing drugs to market as she is high up in the Company. She may be co-running it with the owners son when the owner retires in a few years. It is mind boggeling the amount of money that excanges hands. Drugs are the biggest crux on health INS in this country.
  17. I will also go on record, generic broad spectrum antibiotics like Z-pack and Amoxicillin should be over the counter. Like they are in Canada. They are not expensive most have them at free or $4 at any supermarket pharmacy. Zantac, Prilosec, and other former medicines that were script only in the 90s have gone this way. It's time we get helpful medicines over the counter. So I don't have to use my INS to see my general practitioner. For him to say yep you need a z-pack when I have had the same illness before many times. Or my kid needs amoxicillin for a repeated illness. We try to call but the answer is always nope, we must see you to give antibiotics. This would save INS companies billions. Pretty sure most everyone on this messageboard has needed one if not both of these antibiotics several times in their life.
  18. I took my 2 year old son to the children's hospital urgent care on Cleveland Ave (Westerville)after he dropped a can of soup on his big toe. I did the responsible thing, this didn't need to go to an "ER". Urgent care is the perfect place for this type of treatment. Since it was a pediatric case, it's even more responsible for me to go to the children's on Cleveland Ave. Before http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/10/03/erypy5u2.jpg I waited until I got off work, he had been crying and upset for 4-5 hrs. If you have ever had this type of injury they are pretty painful the blood builds pressure under the nail and hurts like a son of a bitch. So I take him there for them to make a hole in his nail to relieve the pain and to stop his crying. (Understandable for a 2 year old) We go and they give him some Motrin and take an x-ray. (Fine, no break) I ask about relieving the pressure and they say sure we can "drill" a hole in the nail. I say cool. Let's knock it out so he feels better. We wait a bit, the nurse comes back in and say he is too small to "drill" a hole in the nail, they can only push a big needle into it to make the hole. Ok that sounds worse but the hole is the desired outcome. They do it, he screams bloody murder, the pressure is released it squirts blood like a squirt gun, after a minute or two he is smiling and himself and we get to go home after they wrap up his toe. After http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/10/03/yruvereh.jpg You can see the tiny hole in the nail Couple weeks later I get the bill so I can pay via my HSA account. Yep $500 to stick a needle in his toenail by hand(super high tech), and a small cup of liquid Motrin and an x-ray. Christ I should have done it myself. Sorry Kirk, medicine in this country is broken. Broken bad. I can see paying lots for a skilled surgery. I get it, but what I witnessed should never have cost $500. I believe the contract price for the x-Ray through UHC is $50.00 We spent maybe an hour there less in the actual room getting treatment. We waited 30 min at least to go back and get treatment. That shit was about $1000 a hour if you do the math. Mind you a doctor didn't perform anything, a nurse did. My wife is a nurse but she couldn't do that to her own child. Broken.....
  19. We stayed at a bed and breakfast in Saint-Laurent-Sur-Mer. Place was pretty awesome. Old French country farm house. Fresh everything. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/10/02/y2yda9eh.jpg One of the fortified positions on the beach.
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