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Everything posted by armin922

  1. armin922

    More Pics...

    i heart that bike.......
  2. armin922

    I Hate Cops

  3. armin922

    I Hate Cops

    yeah, i know there are some cops on here.......would u guys know the correct answer?
  4. i still think the best set up would be a Ls1 in a 3rd Gen Rx7. Beast Motor with great suspension. The Win........
  5. armin922

    I Hate Cops

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mojoe Look, simple facts. If you don't want the fines or to have issues, follow what the law says. If you do other than that you have to understand that there are repercussions. I have no front plate. I have been sited for it and paid the situation. I don't feel that it is needed for a front to be on a car. I have made the decision that I will pay the fines not to have the plate. That is the cost of doing what I want. To rant about how you were screwed be a bored cop is pointless. Hate cops all you want, but someday you will thank one. What if cops hate people who owned Ford Contours, it doesn't mean they did anything wrong, they just hate them. Kind of stupid isn't it? word......It was stupid of me to say i hate all cops. But they are just doing their job and if someone like me does something illegal then i know ill have to pay in the long run. So, ive changed my mind about cops. Its only certain ones that im still skeptical of. But u gotta admit, there are asshole ones and there are cool ones. But true, it doesnt mean u should hate them for what they do. But thanks for making me realize that i shouldnt bitch and moan about cops for something i have thats illegal.
  6. armin922

    I Hate Cops

    do u have a link that shows that fowler? I just wanna make sure man. Thanks
  7. armin922

    I Hate Cops

    hhmmm, i got mine done at ziebart and never had me sign anything.
  8. that bike is hot. But i still love the flat metallic color though like the blue and the gray/silverish colors.
  9. armin922

    I Hate Cops

    alright, so now i know why cops do what they do. Also, he did roll his window down when the cop came but didnt work. So now, i dont really have a reason to hate cops. We all take chances (those of us that have illegal tint) when we buy the darker tint (looks good) but will soon enough get cited. Know i know why cops pull us over for dark tint. But i was jw....if its illegal here in Ohio or maybe just the city? Why do they sell the darker tint to regular people? I know that if its a state vehicle or whatever is in those lines they can have it if they choose but why sell it to the public if they know its illegal?
  10. armin922

    I Hate Cops

    im gettin it taken all off and redoing it. I just want tint but for it to be legal cuz now that i think of it $100 ticket for tint is not worth it. Im planning on gettin 50% for the 2 front windows (drivers/passengers) and like 15% in the back windows (just like how a stock SUV or Van would be out of the dealership). Now is that legal?
  11. armin922

    I Hate Cops

    so i can get the back windows as dark as i want and the 2 front has to be 50%? And i cant get shit for that? I was comparing my back window tint windows to my dads SUV and his are like 15% and maybe even less. But it came stock like that.
  12. armin922

    I Hate Cops

    I thought you have to give a cop another reason to pull you over for something like that. Such as speeding, brake light out, etc
  13. armin922

    I Hate Cops

    oh btw, my bro wasnt speeding or doing anything reckless at all.
  14. armin922

    I Hate Cops

    My bro got a ticket from Perry Township police for having dark window tint. Its not really dark (35%) at all. I swear, they should have better things to do than single someone out for tint. There are so many cars ive seen out there with even darker tint and i bet they didnt even get a ticket. But Perry Pigs are a**holes as well. But are they allowed to pull you over for that? Or do they have to have another reason to pull u over besides window tint? I got a ticket a while back from Worthington for tint (35%) and my ticket was only 40 bucks. My bros was 110. Could he fight it? I just think that they should have better things to do than to get someone for window tint. Theres people out there thats getting there cars broken into, vandalism, etc and they have to give people tickets for tint?????????BULLSH*T!!!!!!!!!I just hate certain cops PERIOD......
  15. Seen some perry town ship cops sit around there, just watch your speed. I got a tocket there yesterday just for illegal tint. They will pull you over fdor just illegal tint, even if your not speeding. I thought you have to give them a reason to pull you over, but I guess not, since I got ticketed for just window tint.
  16. Anyone here know where I can get my windows tinted for a really good price. Thanks.
  17. sold........please close thread thanks
  18. well, its got turn signals, a horn, headlight, and stoplight. So i would assume it would be (strictly for neighborhood riding only). However, i asked a cop and he said those are not street legal. So im not to sure.
  19. bump... okay im lowering the price down $175, i need to get rid of this thing.
  20. Im looking to buy a Nextel Phone. Perferably a Nextel i860 phone. Anyone selling one for cheap? Thanks.
  21. armin922


    dragknee, give me details. THANKS
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