I have a 50 cc bike for sale. Im asking $200 for it. It's called an XP-490 bike. In very good condition, very clean, it's red, has full functional lights, front light, tail lights/ turn signals ( but the tail lights/ turnsignals, dont work due to a cut wire, but that is an easy fix), has a horn, and it can either be manually started or electric. It can go up to 35 MPH with ease, but i've hit 40 maybe 41 on it on a long stretch. The weight capacity is 300 lbs. This bike hasn't been ridden for a while, but it's been started up every other day, starts up easy, i just need the extra money and the extra space. I dont know how to host pics, but you can PM me and give me your email address, and I can show you the pix of it. But to give you an idea of what it looks like here is what it looks like.