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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Well, there went 2 hours.
  2. Believe me, I had nothing to do with it. Our fill-in sitter left a plug-in air freshener upside-down on the counter right beside the camera. The smell-goods inside leaked out, incased the camera, and literally melted the fucking sides off of it, found its way inside the main case and onto the battery pack and memory card, and under the screen. I have it sitting in a bowl of uncooked rice, but I am not counting on it surviving.
  3. Looking for best ~$150 digital camera. Had the Nikon Coolpix S50 and was very happy with it, but thought I would ask suggestions since there are a lot of camera topics here. 99% of pics will be of the kids. Not really into photography really, just in capturing kid memories in large enough resolution to get good prints made. Thanks.
  4. They were only required after a certain year in certain water tables, I believe. Despite year and location, they help remove water from your foundation and expel it elsewhere.
  5. nurkvinny


    Did you know lead pencils have clutches?
  6. J Shetler Construction Josiah Shetler Cell 330-464-2622. They did my roof last year and beat the next closest estimate by $2000. I got their name from a friend who builds upper-scale homes and uses this company on their projects. I am told there has never been a need to warranty any roofing work on any of the new homes.
  7. I did not say he wasn't a US citizen. I will film myself yelling, "rabble, rabble, rabble!". Then, you film yourself yelling, "rabble, rabble, rabble!". We'll edit them together - one after the other - in a constant loop and watch them all night. Why? Because that would be as productive as this thread. You want to paint people who are anti-Obama as ignorant, poorly-informed racists (as evidenced by your 'others' comment directed towards me). I, on the other hand, will never understand how someone can swallow what the top few Dems have done over the past few months. We will never meet in the middle, and I can accept that. حتى في المرة القادمة
  8. No. Yes. No, always had battery in a case, sitting on top of 4 pieces of 2x10.
  9. I disagree. We need more ICE. A lot more. Thanks for providing the link to prove he actually said what I posted. ...after being in office a very short time. When something quacks like a duck, it's a duck. It doesn't matter what "everyone" has. "Everyone" didn't run for president. "Everyone" does NOT have multiple family members, friends, neighbors, and pastures who believe in what his family, friends, neighbors, and pastures did and do? Get it? Link? I have never seen this video. Don't even begin to assume you have any idea what time I have spent researching. The more time I spend, the more I hate who and what is running this country right now. "That's how politics works". THAT's what I may hate the most - that people let politicians slide because it's the norm.
  10. The old house - no idea, what ever Home Depot had, 2nd from cheapest. This house - whatever Lowes had, next from most expensive this last time. I went down just now to see what brand the "backup" pump is... and it's so badass that is has no name markings on it. Battery is DieHard Marine.
  11. Two pump failures at first house, two at this one. I HATE sump pumps. And yes, I bought backups... that failed to charge the deep cycle battery. Now, I just trickle charge my own marine deep cycle every few weeks hooked to the 2nd pump.
  12. "communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids" - Senator Barack Hussein Obama "I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites" - Senator Barack Hussein Obama "I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." - Senator Barack Hussein Obama - He took the 2nd largest chunk of money from Fanny and Freddy. - Google "Abongo "Roy" Obama" - Or Google his cousin Odingo. - Why hide his birth certificate? - http://dontvoteobama.net/Obama%20ties%20to%20Ayres.htm That's just a drop in the bucket to why I dislike him as a person. I hate that he and others you ask about in this thread SHOVED bailouts down our throats. I hate the same people for SHOVING health care down our throats. I dislike them for forcing new credit laws onto everyone because Idiots can't read their credit agreements. I despise the overall government for considering making me work several extra years to get MY money back, if at all. - << This area to expand after I go feed dinner to my children who are going to have to pay for this crap >> - http://blogs.dailymail.com/donsurber/archives/10427 Meh. I have spent too much time over the months explaining this shit. People need to research for themselves. I have lost count how many people have asked me "what's so bad about him or Dems"? After 10 minutes, their reply is usually, "wow, I didn't know that" or, "I don't follow politics".
  13. Holy shit. That car has made the rounds. From 4k to 8k and everywhere in between.
  14. All 2003's within 500 miles, for sale by owner - Clicky
  15. You've never been scared enough your nuts got sucked up into yourself? Hurts like Hell. I guess sumo wrestlers train themselves to do it.?
  16. It's just bitching about http://www.marvinsperformancecycle.com/images/racing/turbo.gif
  17. Some request blue ink but will accept any dark ink. Some require the verbiage to be non-erasable. Maybe a very sharp Navy Blue crayon?
  18. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs796.snc4/67657_483948863766_130871658766_6847091_6436796_n.jpg
  19. When it comes to songs I can actually listen to... LL Cool J.
  20. http://shitbrix.com ... tis my vote.
  21. nurkvinny


  22. I believe in the inserts. I've had a lot of back pain in the past 2 years, and I can tell a huge difference on the days I wear a loose-fitting shoe vs. my work shoes with inserts. I have no real idea why they help, but they do. Plus, chicks think you are 1/4" taller.
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