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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. http://s-ak.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/terminal01/2010/6/8/16/enhanced-buzz-19819-1276029425-29.jpg
  2. http://www.zwani.com/graphics/funny_pictures/images/funny-pictures99.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs549.snc3/30073_1442874108133_1121509836_31316133_2113830_n.jpghttp://randomfunnypicture.com/wp2/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/bp_no_spill_sign.jpg
  3. http://crazy-jokes.com/pictures/funny-face.jpg http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/duty_calls.png
  4. nurkvinny

    Big Ten Logo

    Just average them together. Two Big 11's.
  5. If we fall short, maybe ask for a $5 spectator donation? I think people would pay that since you get to stay for that night's race, right?
  6. Good deal. Wish I would have seen this 1 week ago. Bump for you.
  7. Like most sports, I'll start caring if the USA makes it to the final game.
  8. The Ixtoc leak was from a Mexican-owned company.
  9. I have 2.01 acres (yep, .01 ). Bought a 54" Cub (SLT1554 I think) in 05. 100% recommend it. Zero turns are nice for mowing, but I use the tractor for mowing, pulling a wagon, moving my car trailer, and for 4 years - plowing a ~350' driveway. Sounds like you're in a very similar situation and you can't go wrong with the bigger Cub. I would suggest staying away from 48"; you'll appreciate that extra .5' of cut every path with the 54". EDIT - and if you end up with a cub, I have a soft roof-shade-thingy for one.
  10. Ever make it to Oberlin? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330388279909&crlp=1_263602_263622&ff4=263602_263622&viewitem=&guid=0e7a0cdf1280a0b58fa2ed02fff8ad8a&rvr_id=&ua=WXF%3F&itemid=330388279909
  11. I learned a lot about money from Dad. When I'd ask for $100 Nikes at 10 years old, he'd laugh and direct me to the $20 shoes. I learned to spend money on the right things... like V8 swaps when I was 16.
  12. I've heard from more than one person that he has had severe substance issues. I believe it every time I watch him.
  13. http://www.gatehouseacademy.com/blog/2008/04/11/why-meth-users-have-sores-on-their-faces-and-rotten-teeth/
  14. I'd be interested in making you a serious cash offer if you can PM me or post where you are getting a front cover, fender, grill, pass. door, pass. rear quarter repaired, rear cover repaired, wheel covers, and a paint job for $1800. If you think you can repair all of that for $1800, then flip that sucker.
  15. White = water. Blue/gray = oil. Blackish = running rich.
  16. My Z06 got 31mpg on its last trip with me as its owner. Everyone knowing that fact about a car I once owned is about as useful as this thread though.
  17. I was asked tonight to find a newer laptop for my Dad. He really only needs a stable machine with wireless and Office. Can probably trade for tools / garage stuff / etc. $150 is rally about the ceiling on price. Thanks Vince
  18. What heads and cam are you going to run? 450hp out of a medium compression 383 isn't all that easy.
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