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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Then, I assume you're planning on meeting him/taking him to your bank? If so, your bank will verify the funds before sending the buyer/buyer's bank the title. I assume he isn't trusting you to take the cash/check, pay off the loan, and them mail him the title? EDIT - this is how the most recent one went for me... sold the Z06 to a guy from Chicago. He flew out, I took him to my bank. He handed his bank's check to my bank, I signed a POA, we all signed a Bill of Sale, and he drove away uber-happy. My buyer brought his own IL plate with him and slapped it on my car. I'm not real sure about 30 day tags for an out-of-state person; that's a new one for me. One option - a sometimes bad one - would be to allow the buyer to drive back on your plate and mail it back to you. Maybe with some kind of $200 deposit.
  2. Need to know the status of the title to answer your questions.
  3. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1732499865.html Starts pulling after a 140!!! With a chip and GEARS!
  4. I can't believe there wasn't a single "fool" in that entire rap.
  5. Openers are easy for anyone who can read directions and turn a screwdriver. I installed the door tracks, hung the opener from the ceiling, hung the screw/rail thingy and wired everything in about 6 hours. Only 1-2 of those were spent on the opener itself.
  6. See. A drunk Mod at 8:54 on a Sunday morning. Disgraceful.
  7. Wow. Someone made money creating those dumbass ads?
  8. He's a Prince of Hell. Pic is more scary than funny to me.
  10. By the time I get my case of beer from you, I won't have a liver left. Both my daily drivers have engine lights on. Pick one.
  11. And an informative post from the page: Since it appears that several posters have NOT read the articles and the blogs, lets set the record straight. The well head pressure is 10,000 PSI. No amount of debris or anything heavy enough to weight it down will stop this leak. The only way is to pump concrete in through the wells that are being drilled and let it seal the well (18,000 feet BELOW the sea floor). The reason that BP is concerned is that the leak is only 8% of what the well could discharge if the Blow Out Preventers were NOT in place. The BOP's are stopping 92% of the well's flow. If they drop the box on the end of the pipe and create back pressure and the BOP's cut loose, then the volume will go up by 12 TIMES. The confidential NOAA document states this as well as what BP told Congress, behind closed doors. That is the worse case scenario. There are FIVE (5) BOP's on the well head. This comes directly from the Transocean Site. How many braking systems do you have on your car? They are in THREE stacks. One Stack has TWO or Dual Rams. One ram is a shear to shut off oil when no pipe is in place. The other is a hydraulic scissors shear to cut the pipe. There are TWO of these...so you have 4 BOP's. Next, you have a single BOP with a hydraulic shear. You can read all about them on the Transocean Site and also on the Cameron Site. The Accoustical BOP's that are used on the North Sea and Brazil are the SAME design. They just have another triggering circuit....same hydraulics. The ROV's have already been down and done a HOT STAB or hookup (with a hydraulic pump) into each of the BOP's....NO CHANGE. In addition, the BOP's have precharged cylinders with DEADMAN failsafe systems. When they lost hydraulic pressure through the riser, these should have closed...which they did. When they say they FAILED...they mean they have NOT stopped the flow... A missle would not even dent the flow....nor will shaped explosive charges. To get a missle down the riser, you would have to cut off the well head. The oil flowing out of the pipe is traveling about the same speed as a .357 Bullet. have you EVER seen a bullet fly through the air...it is traveling at 888 MPH. So, forget the missle. BP and the Goverment do NOT want to cut off or choke down the flow. They are afraid it will then created back pressure and blow the well....thus, there will be 12 times the leak. As to the Obama Administration....it is Totally INEPT. NOAA put out a Not For Public Distribution Memo last week. When No one read it, a NOAA employee leake it. It states that the oil flow could increase by an ORDER OF MAGNITUDE. FOr the Non-Scientific types, that is 10 times greater...so when BP told Congress (also behind closed doors) that the worst case scenario was 12 times as great, they were agreeing with NOAA. When the press went to the WH and asked Gibbs on Thursday about the document, THEN it became a big deal. Remember when President Obama started to talk about it? Remember how quickly it became an issue. The Obama Administration was told by NOAA and the Coast Guard and the Minerals and Mining Services that the LEAK was small and was contained....the BOP worked. When the subs found the leaks....the folks paniced...THEN it was a National Emergency....much worse than the Coal Mine Explosion. Hope this helps clear up some of the confusion
  12. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/05/08/ice-crystals-cause-problems-inside-oil-box/
  13. I wouldn't let Anthony on my property. You must have been somewhere else.
  15. I know you? You know me? We're a big happy fam...
  16. Family Guy sucks. I can't believe anyone bothers to watch that show anymore.
  17. I can't believe anyone even bothers to come to this site anymore.
  18. Wait... wait a minute here. You're letting my receiver play JAZZ MUSIC??? WTF? Just kidding man. Jazz is some of the best music to test out new audio equipment. I'll admit that I kick the ol Sirius radio over to jazz once in a while.
  19. Can anyone explain to me when or how people starting putting Snickers, Cheerios, TicTacs, and other food logos on their fucking cars? I missed the memo.
  20. I was already typing my reply. Damn it.
  21. You should PM a Mod or Admin. You should not post in a for sale thread unless you are interested in buying it. How is this rule so hard for so many people to grasp? Know something fishy about the car? Know it's stolen? Know someone shit in the glovebox? PM A MOD OR ADMIN.
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