That's odd. I took this 2 months ago when I had to shit. I think it looks like Paul Sr. and I had a kid who died and came back as a 30 year old ghost.
Small world. I remember you when you first starting driving slow Camaros up and down Maple. I actually have a video of you losing to another Camaro in front of McDonalds (Reed Walter I think).
Good eye. You can see my ring on my left hand. I blacked out my other hand to obscure the beverage. It was regular Coke, and they are picky about copyrights.
I'm on the left.
Last weekend being single.
My son's first carshow, GoodGuys last year... HOT and HUMID.
I loved Pelosi's(sp) comment a month or so ago. She said opening up more drilling would only give us 20% of the total energy the country needs and it would take 10 years to reap those benefits... so it was a bad idea.
If it would only provide 5% and take 15 years, it would still be a good idea. People claimed the Alaskan pipeline would ruin certain species. Now they hang around the pipeline for its warmth.
Drill. More. Now. Unless they watched the Andromeda Strain.?.?
A horrible dictator who was personally responsible for killing untold thousands of civilians is now dead. Is that good? Yes. Were we lied to? Yes.
I was 100% for the war, and like MANY, I want the fuck out of there.
Thanks for the heads up, but this has been semi-widely known since at least Friday. I couldn't get tomatos on my salad at AppleBees Friday becasue of this. Where do you work that you would be called by the FDA?