Here you go folks, your chance to play Virtual CR Mod for a night. There is a member who seems to think I am picking on him, wrongfully deleting his posts while leaving other people's in place, and generally being "big man on campus" as he puts it.
Here is the situation. Member A posts a car for $2500. Member B makes the following post:
"I'd consider taking a look at it, but not for $2,500.00. Car has 155,000 miles on it. I wouldn't pay more than $1500.00 for a car with that many miles."
Member B is warned that this explicitly violates this rule, which is posted at the top of every For Sale section:
Do not post off topic replies, this can be done through PM. Posts that are not relevant, including criticizing an asking price, will be deleted.
Member B insults me, accuses me of hiding behind my computer, picking on him, etc, etc.
Soooooo, YOU BE THE MOD. Did his post violate the rule we have posted in the Corral Section or not? Did I pick on him, or did he deserve it? Believe it or not, we aren't here to pick on anyone, and I would argue I have a good reputation for being fare. This particular guy feels differently.
I could make this a lot longer, but there is cold beer in my fridge.