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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Heard this today for the first time. Thought, "this has to be a spoof song."
  2. I like those Regals. A lot. Around 10% of people know what's under the hood.
  3. Here you go - http://columbus.craigslist.org/car/557252486.html Hack the headache bars off with a sawzall, and presto.
  4. I ran mine into the bed of the truck, under the bedcover. So far, so good.
  5. Yep, I read them earlier in the night. 20 people flapping their jaws about shit they don't know about.
  6. Ironically, this one has been to Jersey, also. But, it came back with all four wheels.
  7. Wrench. Winch. What's the difference?
  8. I just bought a used 17' open trailer with a new paint job, aftermarket white American Racing rims and new tires, ALL new wiring and lights, aluminum long-ass ramps, plus an electric wrench for $800. I then spent $200 on treated 2x10s, 2x12s, and carriage bolts. Deals are out there. We had $800 total in the 18' trailer I used from '94 to '07.
  9. When you have 2 or 3 free days, we'll sit down and talk about how small, individually-owned stations have been treated, by BP and by others. It started going downhill well before 1994. Why did BP start appearing everywhere in the 90's? BP actually owned large chunks of Standard Oil since the late 60's or 70's. In the early 90's, they started re-branding stations. Sohio here in Ohio. Boron in Penn and elsewhere. They later merged with Amoco. They also own ARCO. They didn't "buy up" the little guy or push them out in the mid-90's. They already owned most of the brands that were re-branded. Also, it really doesn't matter if the station owners/managers want to respond to the electronic monitors or not. The alerts are sent out to "the man". Owners can't just ignore them. It should also be stated somewhere in this thread that BP has always tested in the Top Tier class of fuels. Hell, it was officially recommened by Ford Motor Co. as of Mid-2005 (not that that means much, really.) Edit: I do not work for BP and don't give a shit where anyone buys fuel. Whatever makes you and your cars happy.
  10. Went with Sirius and picked up a Sportster 5 yesterday (gay name, BTW). Love it so far. Just using a cassette adaptor I had laying around for now. Clear as day. http://www.carbuyersnotebook.com/SP5_R.jpg
  11. 8 to 0. Didn't expect that.
  12. The buyout has not happened yet (as of this morning). Stern would be a plus. Columbus morning shows FTL.
  13. Holy God. "She pulled off his left testicle and tried to swallow it, before spitting it out. A friend handed it back to Mr Jones saying: "That's yours.""
  14. Which do you use? I am buying one or the other tomorrow.
  15. Learned tonight, stay away from mint rubbers. Tingle, tingle, burn.
  16. High? Never. Beer? 2-6 a night I would say. This week: 0 Sunday. 2 Monday. 2 Tuesday. 6 tonight. But, I was drunk in Gatlinburg 3 nights in a row. Varies.
  17. The dyno PC monitor always looked so scared in dyno vids.
  18. There is the potential for me to have entirely too much fun in this thread, but I haven't surfed porn in 2 weeks. I'll address a couple topics. "Water in gas" - Any modern gas station has automated electronic H20 monitors permanently placed in every tank. If any tank monitoring fails, an alarm is triggered. In the good ol days, owners would manually dip their tanks with an H20-detecting paste that turned pink if any water was present. Sure, they could ignore it if they wanted to... until one of the regular inspections would take place. So, you're thinking, "ah-ha", there could be water in there! Yep, there could be. Then, that water that's mixed into the gas (some of you that ever took 2 or more days worth of chemistry are actually laughing right now) gets sent to each individual nozzle. Ever wonder what is in the inside of the pump you're standing in front of? Among other things, there is a filter. Guess what kind of filter... a water filter. I see that no one has bothered to research why so many people really did/do have issues with BP fuel. Here's another hint. You are best off to select a brand of fuel and stick with it for the long haul. The net products that enter your car at different stations most certainly are not all the same. Oh, and: That's rock sold proof, right there.
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