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Posts posted by nurkvinny

  1. You have anything to support this prediction of suicides, or is this your hypothesis? As I recall you're around my age and work in an industry being hit pretty hard, so if this stems from your own personal feelings and concerns don't let that get away from you. Truly, take care bud, and reach out if you need help.


    This too shall pass. Whole bunch of people before us have gotten through much worse.


    Common sense.

  2. I found some comfort in logging out of Facebook and not looking at news today. I've been transformed overnight into a home school teacher for 3. That's my focus now. This all will blow over. The duration of that is my concern.
  3. I believe more every day that diet is responsible for a huge majority of human sickness. Bad things need certain chemicals to spread. I've watched documentaries where women have beaten cancer by diet alone, mainly cutting out sugars. A coworker just had a stroke, and her doctors are telling her diet can fix her, and she's doing remarkable.


    Through genetic testing, we know my wife is just 1 out of 8 women who gets breast cancer. She's the fittest, "cleanest" living person I know and simply got fucked.


    The meds will throw her into early menopause and have big risks of their own. She was baptized a couple years ago and her church friends have been amazing through this. The oldest 2 kids kind of know what's going on, but just understand she has a lot of appointments.


    Just be thankful for every day we're above ground.

  4. I don't want this to be a sad topic. I want this to be a "how did you cope with it " thread. In September my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. She's been through surgery and treatment and has started her life-long meds. It's like nothing I could have ever imagined. My guess is, since we're all old shits now, some of you have also been through this. The impact to husbands is nothing you can imagine until you go through it. So, how'd you deal with it? Suck it up buttercup doesn't quite cut it.
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