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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. I think Chrysler would have some success if they made their cars look like a Honda/Audi hybrid. Oh, wait...
  2. Locked, repost, whatver it is... thank you for the best laugh I've had in a long, long time.
  3. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/578736_461972790527629_345125201_n.jpg
  4. http://i.imgur.com/p8IWx.jpg
  5. I would rather spend a couple hundred million here paying for dedicated security guards than handing the same amount over to Muslim Brotherhood countries such as Egypt. If someone fights that idea, pay for it by taking away .5% of the current entitlements. The money is easy to find.
  6. Yep. Got tired of, "all I am hearing are no's. You're not willing to have the talks." Then, more than once she would fire back, "well, that is def. not the solution." Overall, that was a dominating pro-gun debate. Lady in the middle seemed high and incoherent.
  7. How about someone stops the damn thing until they fix the feed?
  8. Reps from both sides. 7pm OSU union building Lets pack the place with pro gun folks. This will be televised across the US I believe.
  9. No, I have never heard of that. However, Obama decided to stick his chest out and declare that anything relating to Holder or the operation was a case of "the buck stops here" referring to himself. So, yes, he is by his own admission responsible. Thanks.
  10. Yep. I've read several similar write-ups this week. I can only hope that this is the type of argument or facts that are considered under Biden's watchful eye (but I doubt it).
  11. Donate to the NRA. You wouldn't have most of your gun rights today or your CCW without them. E-mail Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Sherrod Brown and your congressman regarding President Obama's call for gun control. Tell them: - Action should be taken objectively, based on facts and not hastily and not to infringe on our rights - Statistics from the F.B.I. shows that the violent crime rate has decreased each year since 1991 except for a 1.25% increase in 2005. The violent crime rate in 2010 was the lowest it has been since 1972. Statistics from ATF show that gun ownership has been increasing since at least 2005. This means that increased gun ownership does not mean increased violent crime. - Comparing 11,493 firearm homicides in 2009 to 443,000 annual deaths from tobacco (estimated 49,000 from secondhand smoke) shows it's not nearly the biggest problem we have - Measures I recommend and would consider reasonable (better mental health awareness and care availability, background checks for all firearms purchases, licensing for gun ownership, reviewing "Gun Safe Zones" which create target areas - Measures I do not recommend (any bans and magazine capacity restrictions)
  12. Your president will do everything in his power to fix our gun problem *cough* Fast and Furious. He will stop innocent people from dieing *ashew* Fast and Furious. Assault rifles only belong in the hands of police and military *ahem* Fast and Furious.
  13. I want at least one good snow to warrant the hassle of reinstalling the front receiver / plow hook up each Autumn. And I'd love for all my kids to see a white Christmas.
  14. That's what you take away from that vid?
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