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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Didn't you just wreck the front end of that thing and/or have another thread about a shimmy you couldn't diagnose?
  2. Do you believe that? Do you believe that no American civilians would ever fight back against the government if they showed up on their properties and demanded certain things? I think you need to step out into reality.
  3. First, I don't think the gov't will ever be able to talk 18-25 year old guys into assaulting the public. Now, let's assume they will someday come after us. Thorne, do you think there will be enough "FUCKING DRONES" to go attack the 1,000,000+ farms in our country, or do you want to admit that it would be feet-on-the-ground troops clearing these properties and attempting to take the weapons? The vast majority wouldn't be fighting a FUCKING DRONE or a FUCKING stealth bomber or a FUCKING tank.
  4. I will never understand the reaction from the heavy set short-haired woman in that video. To understand a badguy can get into a school so easily and be so against the best first responder option is odd to me.
  5. You just answered your own question. It matters because you need to plan for the worst.
  6. Mrs. Obama made the morning talk show rounds stating - as factual - that this country saw wide-spread voter fraud and intimidation from the Right/Republicans. Attorny Generals from 7 - as of now - states have sent official letters to her and the White House asking for all evidence they have on the matter. These states are ready to investigate and prosecute the offenders... ... ... ... ... ... ... crickets.
  7. Because anything too far into the double-digits just sounds too scary for liberals.
  8. Is that your only requirement or can you add some details to what you're searching to buy?
  9. I just asked someone if they would feel better if I called it a "family-protecting, personal feel-good tool."
  10. This went as expected. Hugs all around. I imagine we'll see a few Youtube videos in the near future demonstrating just how quickly someone can get off 100 rounds from a single 10-round handgun and 10 mags. This "high cap clip" nonsense needs to end. Ironic, isn't it?. The two groups of people I hear screaming about gun control today are those on the left and those in Hollywood. You know, those two groups that constantly battle to keep morals out of schools, are busy creating the most violent of movies for our teenagers to soak up, that are dead set on preventing the lawful ownership of guns for us to protect ourselves and others from these psychos. More lawful ownership has always equated to lower violent crime numbers, in this nation and others alike. The root cause of all of this off'ed himself like the coward he was, so people are desperate for something to blame. How about they look into the man's mental health past, what medications he has taking or stopped taking, etc? The man is estimated to have broken 40+ crimes on Friday. I'm sure adding a few more based on knee-jerk reactions will prevent the next disturbed person.
  11. If he can't differentiate "shooting anyone having a gun" from "having a gun pulled on him", then I agree totally with him; he should absolutely not carry a gun.
  12. Correct. I'm asking him to distance himself and his policies from the public.
  13. Far fewer this decade than previous ones. So, what has changed over the past month in our society?
  14. I giggled twice during the trailer. That's two more than normal. Will see.
  15. Don't bet against it. However, she will be fully recovered by Democratic primaries in 2015.
  16. Those in the film industry have to take some credit for violence in America.
  17. Give me a fucking break. Anyone believing this bullshit from Clinton needs their head examined.
  18. Well, isn't that quite the parapraxis? I would love to have a partition - a really big one - between the public and Obama.
  19. I know you didn't use your real name. :gabe:
  20. No. Because the butterfly effect is a total bitch.
  21. It will absolutely do something. It will take guns away from law abiding citizens.
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