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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Wonder if they get freaky with those things?
  2. Sorry, this time around, it has to be about getting Obama and his agenda out. I have no doubt there are 1000's of better people in our country to be elected president than Romney. I did not like Romney in the primaries, but I do believe that a Romney / Ryan ticket is infinitely better than what we have. I see your point and I love people standing up for things they believe are right, so a little part of me wishes you luck. But, I truly hope small party candidates that have no chance in Hell of winning and write-ins don't take away enough votes to result in this man staying in office.
  3. http://www.picpeak.com/2012/0912/15/15.jpg
  4. Depends on the condition of the rest of the car. An 85 with a ton of miles isn't worth much, especially if it isn't in badass shape. Wasn't there an 80-something red one on here that made it down to 2300 or something and still wouldn't sell? Even if you get it free, you're into it 500 to get it up here. You know how fast shit will add up to try to get it back up to par. I'd say go for it if you just want a project to mess with or want a roller for a swap, but I can't see you making much as a flip.
  5. Doesn't that one come down to whether the POS hit the front or rear of the car exiting the lot?
  6. "Them" who? Little different private party vs. car lots. I go in assuming AT LEAST 10% off anyone's asking price. Never EVER believe that their first deal is their best, especially on trade in value offers. It's not. Realize that salesmen have all the time in the world. You're the uncomfortable one in their environment. They're in no hurry. You need to be the same way. Ask to see every fee they try to charge you, usually around or above $250. They are negotiable too. If you know you can't talk them down anymore, go after the free oil changes or free car washes, or tank of gas. Don't expect to talk anyone down 4 grand on a 7 grand car. Pay part on credit card if you get rewards and in the position to do so. Point out everything that looks like it needs repaired or could cost you cash after the test drive. Expect it fixed or more cash taken off the price. Remember it is not a friendly game of poker, it's business. You can't be afraid or nervous about offending someone with an offer. What's the worst they can do, say no or make a counter offer? Some salesmen are great at their job, but you're still the buyer with the cash.
  7. This is just as solid of an idea as when people wanted to buy every lottery combination available when the Mega Millions was approaching 500 million earlier this year.
  8. I honestly didn't know they were still making new episodes. I stopped caring about it when I realized how biased, and more importantly, unfunny it became 10 years ago. I remember so many skits ending with me thinking, "Wow, that's it? What a dumbass segment."
  9. Looks like it's an older 480p monitor. Good deal for someone, but not what I am looking for. Thanks
  10. Umm, maybe go start your own poll? :gabe:
  11. I have never understood Grey Goose fans. Titos or even Skyy is easier on your alcohol taste buds (they're rarely discussed; their cousins - sweet, sour, bitter, etc get the spotlight).
  12. Welcome to our site. Enjoy your stay, ignore the asshats.
  13. This is not an opinion thread, an activist thread, a thread to spread an agenda. Just please vote for president, as you feel as of today.
  14. Couple shots in Lemonade. Couple shots in cherry 7up. Make Apple Pie. And/or - http://www.barnonedrinks.com/drinks/by_ingredient/j/junior-johnsons-midnight-moon-carolina-moonshine-9251.html
  15. Think slightly watered down Everclear with fruits and other flavor options. Actually good stuff.
  16. Krogers and Giant Eagle both usually carry it.
  17. nurkvinny


    And then the truth comes out. The company made no changes to any policies. The news was false, put out by a gay rights activist and spread through the news media.
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