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Everything posted by DeathSandwich

  1. orgy w/ playboy bunnies... hasn't happened yet though
  2. we have a winner... well, that and $6.00 thanks so much for the info! It took about 4 minutes, and now I can sell my car tomorrow
  3. hey all, I joined last year but stopped checking back over winter, but now it's time to ride again so I plan on coming to the forum more often. I have a black ;05 R6 and just moved from bexley to reynoldsburg. Hope to see you all out riding soon.
  4. I'm planning on being there. will probably bring a friend w/ me. forum lurkers UNITE!!
  5. what do i need to bring to the title agency to get a new one?
  6. DeathSandwich


    I've never been before, and was wondering if I needed a full button-up shirt, or if i could get in w/ just a polo.
  7. there are a couple on 270 as well. especially near 161/easton area
  8. http://www.break.com/index/perfect_strangers_coffee_shop.html
  9. BOOOO. this pissed me off so bad. I want them to make the game that they should have developed years ago... DIABLO III and anyone who disagrees can suck it!
  10. bwahahahaha!!! i didn't understand what he was trying to do at first.. but wow... too f'n funny
  11. I need some stuff for a bike i just got(brakes, tires, grips), and was wondering where some bike shops are. btw, i've already checked 'bike source' and they don't have what i'm looking for.
  12. running for some public office??? PICK A SIDE!! haha
  13. open in paint ctrl + w put in something lower than 100%
  14. 2 i liked http://michaelakuck.com/4/files/1/saturn1%20copy.jpg http://error404notfound.net/haha/batman%20climb1.jpg
  15. one in purple looks like sanjaya.... but hey, I've been drinking
  16. http://www.nbc4i.com/midwest/cmh/search.apx.-content-articles-CMH-2007-03-26-0002.html
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