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Everything posted by DeathSandwich

  2. this video should be in your "oldie but goodie" thread
  3. "what kind of nawzzz does he have on it"
  4. oops http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/effete3.png
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... what game is that? and is that you guys? or just some internet video?
  6. umm..... when is this going to be given to whatever politition(s) it was intended for?
  7. who around here can do it? I'd like a quote on getting my exhaust done
  8. yes.... as a moderator couldn't you have added them? (so someone doesn't get in trouble)
  9. welcome to the board fellow integran( )
  10. I did... the scene where he drops the chainsaw down the stairwell and catches that hooker in the back is one of the best ever (also when he's about to snap, looking at the other guys business card)
  11. i'm sorry... but that is P.I.M.P.
  12. I never got mine either... I was thinking about this the other day actually..
  13. was it just me, or did the flags take waaaaaayy too damn long to switch over... it got boring after a while. And also, it took too many shots to kill someone... no one is gonna take that many bullets to put down..
  14. ... it's a good "laughing on the inside" story
  15. what's w/ the whole leroy jenkins thing?
  16. OK.... so a guy at work is telling me that if I was stopped at a red light, it turned green, I started and I was hit in the intersection by a person running a red light, that it would be considered "no fault" and my insurance would have to pay for my own car, and their insurance for thiers and also.. could someone explain the "no fault" law(if there is such a thing)
  17. you bastages... I keep forgeting to download it.
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