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Everything posted by DeathSandwich

  1. if you were truly "in" the ocean.. that would probably be a first.
  2. do you have the optional cap(if so, what color) and do they rub on your car when you turn? if you don't mind me asking why are you selling?
  3. I post from pickerington(home) and dublin (work) tongue.gif
  4. graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gif
  5. I think I'll have to check out the server some time.. it's been to long (damn addictive D2)
  6. there's a big difference between going a short distance down the street while using common sense, and having a bike for a month and thinking you can do some mad tyte stuntzzzz on a (usually) busy street in the middle of F'n downtown graemlins/slap.gif
  7. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA http://pittance.nodalpoint.net/doc/bonnasses/59.jpe that is all
  8. http://www.r6-forum.com/nuke/modules/Forums/images/smiles/finger.gif graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gif
  9. DeathSandwich

    Who is?

    hit mike jones up on tha lo', 'cause mike jones about to blow.
  10. http://personales.ciudad.com.ar/golem85/thread%20sucks.jpg
  11. http://home.tiscali.be/joke1/Neme4/hay%20guys.jpg
  12. wow... that's a good reason to switch from my socket A mobo to socket 939, but then I'd need a new processor too... if you'd be willing to bend on the price I might be interested...
  13. hahahaha "SUPER SAYAN LOLLERSKATER" http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1469&item=5591163987&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW
  14. hate to be somewhat offtopic, but for the money just upgrade to bigger bike
  15. .... i'll take 1342345134513453425
  16. www.sickofitall.com that is all.
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