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Posts posted by CbrGirl

  1. Have a good one man. :) It's nice to get away from technology once in awhile. Get back to the way life use to be. :cool:

    You cant even get away from technology when youre taking a shit! :lol:

    He thought he was doing some remapping with his bike. Hard to tell the difference between a Kawi and a toilet sometimes.

    I'm sorry but that was funny!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

  2. Sorry if this has been done before..

    You know you love sportbikes too much when...

    Your sportbike has a name

    You have compared riding a sportbike to sex

    You'd rather attend a Moto GP event than attend the Super Bowl

    You see Michael Jordan on tv and you say to your friend "Hey, that's the guy who sponsors Aaron Yates, what's he donig at a basketball game."

    When you stop at a light you pray the Mustang in the next lane tries to race you.

    You're thinking about getting a second bike but still can't afford the one you've got.

    You keep your motorcycle in your living room because you don't have a garage.


  3. Hi all! I'm fairly new to this site, but the Anniversary party sounds fun! Is it too late to join in? Are there going to be some girls/women at this event? I'd like to come, but I don't wanna ruin a "guys day out" by being the lone female(not that it'd bother me). I'm older in age(41), but young at heart and am mainly looking for people to ride with....I'm new at it, but I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE riding my bike! :banana:

    You are now a member so it is open to you too!! Trust me you won't be the only girl! Don't for get your camera and $5 for pictures run!!

  4. :welcome:

    My two cents..... Start on a 600. My first bike was and is a CBR600RR. I love it. Thought about getting a 250 or 500 but the 600 called to me. I am really glad I didn't get anything smaller, I'm sure I would have grow out of it to quick.

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