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Everything posted by CbrGirl

  1. CbrGirl


    That should be fine. We'll probably be late too.
  2. Thank you for everyone who came and thank you Putty for the pictures!!
  3. glad you could make it out Saturday! Hope to meet up soon!
  4. Glad to hear everyone made it back okay but hate to hear about the bad luck. Putty good to know you are okay and I know you'll be back soon. Hope to catch up with you guys next time!
  5. and yes thank you but i got to say it
  6. CbrGirl

    Honda bikes?

    Here is my two cents..... Honda NW!! See what they have there and they do have a sister store here Cleveland so if that store has something you really, really like they can bring it down. I really like Honda NW. I got mine there, so did Satan and Towtruckin. Good people. Also try Cycle Search. You never know what they may have! Also good people!!
  7. Hope to meet up some time!
  8. CbrGirl

    Forum heading

    What are you talking about?
  9. That good to see some putting the foot down but this is what sucks...... "Vehicular manslaughter is punishable by up to 90 days in jail." That's it?
  10. Smooth on the edit there. At least you are good with a Camera!!
  11. Hey Putty, are these pictures from last night? Wednesday April 18th? Not Tuesday the 17th? Right?
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