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Everything posted by CbrGirl

  1. Sweet another chic rider. The MSF course is how I got my license!
  2. You guys should ride to the dyno day! Even if you don't want to dyno your bike it would be nice to put faces with the names!
  3. CbrGirl


    Love to see another rider!!
  4. Well you would be sleeping on the couch for a while! :tongue:
  5. Do that and you'll be single again!
  6. and I are a maybe! We'll see how Saturday night goes! :wink:
  7. Where are you looking? There are several around here. Thinking the same thing!
  8. You know he felt like an ass!
  9. Not always, But hell if you didn't have it we'd have no pictures of us out riding!!
  10. FRR = Fat Rabbit Racing FRR is a group that puts together triathlon and they need volunteers to ride the umps around to make sure no one is cheating. My Boss is a tri athlete and is a member of FRR. He knows I know a lot of people with motorcycles and he just asked me if I could post something about it. If you would like to know more hereÂ’s FRR web Site: www.fatrabbitracing.com could be cool
  11. Not sure if anyone would want to do this but I told my boss I'd post this: We are looking for some motorcycle owners/drivers to volunteer for FRR at the events this season. They would drive the umps on the course. If you are interested or know of someone who might be please let me know and I will get you ALL the details. Thanks. Kathleen Williams Organized Business Solutions 614-327-9743 www.orgbus.com
  12. but we get 20% off everything!!!
  13. I think we have all done this!
  14. Good for you. I'm with you on the wheels. No if it would only warm up!
  15. You better be there! About time you signed up!!
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