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Everything posted by CbrGirl

  1. Hey, keep me out of this! I have done nothing!
  2. Wow..... I never met him but we talked sports ( penguin's hockey) via pm. Damn I was looking forword the meeting him this summer and talking sports. RIP Tim Let's Go Pens!!!
  3. Wish I could... Stuck in class on Tuesdays for the next 6 weeks
  4. I will be there!!! No school tonight!!!!
  5. CbrGirl

    Im back

    Keep me out of your posts. I never did anything to you. Sorry I was fooled like everyone else. Drama is so old I close just about everything no matter who is involved. I don't read half of this site and i think that goes for a lot of people that's why there is a report button. Use it.
  6. Wouldn't have missed it for anything. You know all you have to do is call and Ben and I will be there!
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