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Posts posted by CbrGirl

  1. Carie is A LOT more personable than most people - especially some stuck up "model". That's probably why your missus had no trouble selling tix.

    Thank you.

    Not to mention Carie has better sweater puppies than that model :D

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I'm not biased and I thought your models didn't show up at all for you Saturday. Carie is better looking & from what little time I spent getting to know you guys and watching the "model" interact with people Carie has a better personality too.

    Glad too hear your charity made some money.

    Thank you as well.

    Great finally putting a face to many names around hear.

    Saturday was so much fun and I am still recovering!

  2. Very true....

    I told her ... "I'm not a bartender....but I did stay at a Holiday Inn"

    one quote from that weekend i will never forget. and this picture was probably taken moments before....

    "whodey you pussy" :lol: lets just say those who know, know!

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    All I remember is from that day was I was the first to the finish line! :drink::drink::drink::drink:

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