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Everything posted by Chrome

  1. honeymoon was the shit. didnt want to come back from the island.
  2. So as a few of you know i got married a week ago, and was just calling my insurance company changing from single to married. i changed my truck and it went down $17 a month. i thought ok thats cool. then i changed my bike insurance and it went UP!!!!! what the fuck. they raised it $28 a month. they said on "high performance" bikes there is more of a liability. then he goes on to tell me if i get a harley or other cruiser than it would more than likely be cut in half. fuck the insurance companies. has anyone else had this happen to them when they got married????????
  3. put the dog shit under his car door handels. when he goes to get in the car he gets is all over his fingers. is this place a duplex? does he have a basement with a sump pump?? expandable foam in the sump pump discharge pipe will really fuck up his world. just a few things for ya
  4. Dont go to Iron Pony. this is my warning to you Aaron.
  5. So how about that puck the guy took to the nose. that had to fucking hurt like hell!!!!!!!
  6. I love live tv. you never know what will happen
  7. So i think we should try a different place for new years anyway. i think this place is getting kinda bland. imo
  8. any tickets in hannd yet???? date they will be sent out????
  9. i think if you ride any bike it is a notch up on the chick status. but if you want to impress them learn how to ride the thing
  10. im sure a couple of guys on here would get that tree down
  11. Sad sad sad.. seemed like a really nice guy. just goes to show you how fragile life really is. Thoughts and prayers go out to his family. may he RIP
  12. Don't lie shitty you cant meet up with him. just tell him you are going to have to pass on it. and let me have it.
  13. If he/she falls out on you i want it.
  14. How do these fit compared to arai??? bigger/smaller? can you buy larger cheekpads for them??
  15. anyone ever heard/used anything like this if so what kind of experience did you have with it??? www.autonetmobile.com/
  16. Chrome

    The Man

    WTF kind of question is this?????
  17. Marco is a peice of shit. sucks at racing, wouldn't of wasted a pic on him. imo
  18. Chrome

    clear fairings

    it is a good idea for a race bike. like ^ said you crash it doesnt mess up your paint. i think that is the only good thing about them,
  19. Chrome

    clear fairings

    black tank smoked plastic would look good.
  20. Chrome

    clear fairings

    It would be cool, but what about your tank???? everything clear then BAM color on the tank. i think ill pass
  21. thats what i was trying to do, but it won't recognize the file, because i downloaded it. it only recognizes the saved word files on my comp. i tried to follow the wizard but that was no help. it wouldn;t find the file
  22. ok got it to a word file, but it is still in the excel colums..... how do you turn them into labels???
  23. around, work is really picking up for me, so i have had no time to ride.
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