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Everything posted by Chrome

  1. im not doing it because i don't want to drop to their level, or move out of my nice place into a TRAILOR. ill spell it the way i want to.
  2. +1000000000^^^^^^^^^^ Nascar is for people that live in trailors ( no offense to people who do) There is no skill in nascar!!!!
  3. he only hit 1??? that driver sucks!!!!!
  4. Could def be the reason. go to the dealer and get all the right matcing plugs
  5. Anybody else catch the license plate that dissapears on that page. it was home made with a cd tray opener from a computer. thought it was pretty cool
  6. Thats a good one. nothin like scaring the shit out of dear old dad. lol
  7. There pic this week looks familiar. i think i know that guy.
  8. Yea difinatly take it up with the city. tell them EXACTLY where it happened and see if they will eplace the tires and rims for you. if not, start yelling they don't like it when you get loud with them.
  9. OF all places you are going to take it to it has to be Hinds??????? dude your crazy. pay somebody on here to do it.
  10. These people should NOT re-produce!!!!
  11. They are JUNK dont waste the money. seems like a good price, but they have no traction. dont buy them!
  12. looks like a dud too. not too sure about the new style
  13. with a little kareoke to finish out the night:dj:
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GHWRkaHnZQ according to this, what i gather is that you smack a hoe to get their attention. correct me if im wrong. but seriously not right to hit a women under any situation. the truth will come out sooner or later
  15. GET THE BULLDOG!!!!! Those dogs are the shit. get what you want, dont be pursuaded by these other guys.
  16. That SUCKS!!!!!! good luck with getting it out
  17. WOW she looks thrilled to have her pic taken right then
  18. what bike is worth this much trouble???????
  19. Ummm yea about that........... I think it is a blanket over a HUGE issue. not going away anytime soon
  20. agree with ^^^ just because he put 1k into it doesnt ever mean you will get it back. low ball his offer
  21. i believe zorro has one. pm him for some info
  22. sell it with a bill of sale and look for another bike. or track it!
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