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Everything posted by BlackC50

  1. It was my junior year of high school, I was sitting in my AP US History when the schools ROTC instructor came in and told my teacher what was going on. He turned on the tv and we watched it for the rest of the class. My teacher used to be in the army and the NSA as soon as he saw what it was he said it was a terrorist attack. I will never forget that day, i got sick to my stomach because of it. For the two days after that all we did in that class was talk about what happened.
  2. Zwick is a true athlete, he was able to read a blitz at the line and change the play to get us where we need to be. +1 For Zwick. I think it is going to be another Qb showdown like Jackson and Germaine, Smith having the running capablities like Jackson but Zwick having all the brains to make smart plays.
  3. yeah that his own damn fault for even doing one with her on the back and she didn't even look like she was holding on.
  4. how can you honestly even tell what is flying into the building in that video? First off its only a 5 sec clip showing a white blur, then the enhancement if thats what you really want to call it was so pixelated you could of said it was big foot flying into the building.
  5. Yeah it definitely looks like a caterpiller that went to cocoon and possibly it fell off from where it was hanging.
  6. I'd fuck her, leave town and go to Mexico so she couldn't find me. Change my name it Jesus Alvarez.
  7. Ok, I believe that it was a plane. No way, that it was a 757 though. Possibly a 737. Like it was stated before, A 757 flying low like that would of down trees and god only knows what else. I however definitely do not think it was an "inside job" or that it was a US cruise missle of any type. As for you EvilEvo, you statement of saying that we are no different than Iraq, you need to reissue your values bud. You do not see our government torturing innocent civilian lives, creating mass genocide (even though you think that the WTC, the Pentagon crash, and the Pennsylvania crash was all an "inside job". Which would make it genocide.) Or just killing because "they are the government and they can". Open your fucking eyes and realize that you are living in one if not the best nations in the world and there is no way, no how we are anything at all like IRAQ!
  8. definitely go white, i think it looks awesome, white with gold rims...blue is too common and almost everyone that has the Sti has black or blue. Go white you won't regret it!
  9. No matter what anyone says, we are all behind you and thankful for the sacrifice you and those men have made. I am proud to have you over there protecting this country and they will both be in my prayers.
  10. Yeah if you are off to BGSU definitely need the beer bongs!
  11. I thought that if you are in the military you have to take out body jewelry...just thought I would point that out but I could be wrong.
  12. Yeah I think it just has to do with you, maybe your game is tired. I have never had no problem with girls givin' it up. But simple as this maybe you shouldn't be solely focused on gettin some and and like a girl for other reasons and treat them with some respect.
  13. keep the beer bong if you are going to college bro! just an FYI
  14. My brother in law's band Mynusha is playing at Bernie's Distillery tonight. This is their first headliner and its going to rock! Other bands that will be playing with them are Voidgazer and Shell Shag. The show starts @ 9PM and its an All Ages venue. Cover is at the most $5 a pop. I hope to see some of you out there supporting the local rock scene!
  15. cam'ron your talking about Pony Kegs. Pony kegs are good but I know that the Kroger in Galloway has party balls.
  16. she so fucking oily....you would go to fuck her and she would shoot right off of ya! She hott but come on the oil was a bit much.
  17. these are still for sale, $45 takes em, they are in good shape.
  18. I can check to see if they would or not, and let ya know, what year s-10?
  19. FarCry is freakin' awesome! Likes to tank your video card though if you don't have a real good one.
  20. They are 5 lug, I know they fit on a Jeep Wrangler and a Ford Ranger, but I don't know the specific bolt pattern. The lowest I would take for them would be $70.
  21. I have a set of Eagle Alloy truck rims for sale. They are either 15x7 or 15x8 I can't exactly remember. They are just a three spoke style rim, they need lugs and center caps because the chrome painting on the center caps because they started flaking off. $80 takes em, just cleaning up some room in the garage.
  22. I have two seats out of a 86 GT that I want to get rid of. They are in decent shape, I will take $45 for them. They are grey with red piping.
  23. I have a set, they weren't hooked up on my car, i never really bothered with trying to hook them up so i don't know if they work or not. say 10 bucks and you can have them.
  24. Well all X2C Motorsports cars are bad ass.
  25. thats kinda cool, I mean if its not photoshopped then I give the person many props for being able to blend everything together that well.
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