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Everything posted by BlackC50

  1. BlackC50


    Geero's like normal or something else? Just wondering cause it wasn't on the little bulliten(sp?)thing at the top of the board.
  2. Haha! Yeah Jager and micro-castles are signing a death warrant. I bet someone definitely felt that the next day.
  3. Jager!!!!! Thats all I have to say.
  4. I wish I would of got this on video or something but it was funny as hell. Me, Amy (AmysBadgt) her dude Brian and some kid with an RX-7 were standing out in the parking lot shootin the shit. Well this biker on i think a heritage soft-tail took of towards the Bud Light rope banners they had set up to mark off the designated bike area. Well he thought he was gonna break through the banner when he rode through, nope didn't happen! The banner wrapped around his neck and flung the wood barricade into a nissian maxima parked across the parking lot. The guy bout lost control of the bike and almost ran into the side of a Chevy 1500 coming across the parking lot. It was great! Thats what ya get for drinking then riding a bike or any motor vehicle for that fact.
  5. BlackC50

    poe poe

    Haha Nick!!! Thats funny right there I don't care who ya are thats funny.
  6. BlackC50

    Rap tune

    Yeah, its Culo~Pitbull feat. Lil Jon YAAAY!!!! Good song, sweet beat, even though I can't understand a single word he says.
  7. Could you file a lawsuit against the R-BURG 5 OH for unlawful entry or something and I would try to nail her on some shit too. Tooth for tooth, Eye for an eye.
  8. Well, I don't really know you Scott but I appreciate the sacrifice you are making to keep me and this wonderful nation safe. Give em Hell!!!
  9. you might be able to use a Tib one and format it to what you need. The routing would have to be similar to where it comes of the intake, you could chop it down so it is able to route on your motor, just my .02
  10. yeah, you will definitely need to spring compressors on the front of the car. You might get lucky and be able to do without them on the rearend. Its not that hard as long as you know what you are doing or you have common sense.
  11. well its a typcial "Roush" car sometimes they are just all show and no go. Did you guys see the N2O Saleen Focus that Saleen is building?
  12. i would say get a power cap.
  13. That makes no sense, They rather put ones in Nelsonville and Jackson, Ohio but they won't put one in Columbus. Makes no sense to me. Maybe if you said like Grove City or another outlying city around columbus, they would be more receptive since they are smaller towns. Just an Idea.
  14. HAHAH!!!!OMG that is freakin' hilarious!
  15. Chicks are definitely hot, song is gay, sounds like the music they play in Abercrombie and Fitch.
  16. Kemper's Auto Trim on Parsons Ave. They did my door panels and seats. Also they have headliner material too. As for paneling, just or some interior trim spray, unless the panels are sun damaged then you will have to get new ones.
  17. That is gorgeous, I hope they actually make that.
  18. Yeah, I think the K-Mart is done and over with, I am suprised they havent been kicked out of the Thrift Store lot? Whats the story behind that?
  19. Well it is official, Iron Pony did buy the lot out and my dad's company is putting in speed bumps across the front and back of the lot. Just thought I would post that little tidbit of information
  20. This is my defense to both cars, It depends on whose driving them whether they show their true power or not.
  21. atleast he isn't being stupid and doing that goin 145 down the freeway. He did it in a closed lot away from other motorist. Mad props that takes some skill! Unlike the second vid, ya its on a secluded road but doin that shit that fast is pretty much signing your death wish.
  22. Variations of my name: Monkey Impressionist The Job I have now Soap Opera Star
  23. I agree with Tony_K, Very true about a lot of ohio school being off for summer break. A lot of mischief for those "young adults" to get into since they have so much time on their hands now. Luckily I am a college study going year round and also have a job, only time I have time to do anything is friday night and saturday night and I am usually out with you fellas so...its just another prime example of a few bad apples spoiling the whole bunch.
  24. thats fucking hilarious! graemlins/thumb.gif
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