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Everything posted by BlackC50

  1. that rabbit was gettin on it! HAHA that was pretty awesome.
  2. Yeah, I had the same happen to me but I walked in on her cheating on me so that was a different story, the dude got the most savage beating of his life, I'll tell ya that much! But fuck her dude, there are better ones out there. Losing your first true love is rough because I went through it and I am still not myself in side but trust me, time heals all and just go out and have fun now bro.
  3. She has a really cute face, like you said though...the body ain't there.
  4. This is just a brainchild right now but...I was thinking about having an all CR party here at my house in Grove City sometime during the summer. I have a inground pool, basketball court, 1/4 acre backyard and hot tub. We could hang out and cook out and do things...let me know what your take is on this and if it is positive feedback and you all would be interested then I will put into to the works.
  5. that is freakin awesome, it looks real considering the doors are from a new mini cooper...that would be awesome if transformer really exsist!
  6. its not really all that hard if you can solder small. My friend Lew can do it...Let me talk to him tomorrow about it and he could hook you up.
  7. Well....needless to say I am having tranny problems in my mustang, its not grabbin in overdrive so..I need to take it somewhere and get it checked out. Where is a good place here around columbus to get tranny work done?
  8. BlackC50

    saturday night...

    So....is that where everyone is meeting at tonight or back at westerville? its gonna be pretty warm and nice out tonight so...i would like to cruise again.
  9. BlackC50

    april 16th??

    we were up at central point last friday and it was lame.
  10. I would go but I have to work....sorry
  11. BlackC50

    Trails on wednesday

    alright just wondering
  12. BlackC50

    Trails on wednesday

    what happens if it being your first time running your car and you don't know if you would run lower than 14.0?
  13. BlackC50

    Trails on wednesday

    well i guess i can't run cause i have a tranny leak...but its leaking oil not transmission fluid.
  14. They still cruise Circleville?
  15. I should enter the Slocus, it ain't much!
  16. Question is, Did you happen to push on the processor very hard to put it in? Cause I am pretty sure that the celerons are ZIF processor and if you pushed on it then there is a chance some of the pins were bent.
  17. You are most likely are going to have to go in to CMOS setup and set defaults like Desperado said, I doubt the CMOS battery is the problem since you said it was working fine earlier. But check your connections also.
  18. Thanks I will have to check that out.
  19. Its just the the handle part towards the top, i know they come off i just don't know how
  20. I bought a billet one for shit and giggles on my 1986 mustang and I can't figure out how to get the stock one off? Any pointers or help here would be most appreciated!
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