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Everything posted by Angrish

  1. Buy a farm!! I'm making money just doing my taxes!!!LOL
  2. Hahahaha 420 I think I'm getting the yz450 (same price ) but 09!!
  3. whoolies are funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!
  4. Im building some jumps,bumps,and banked turns in the front yard!hahaha should be fun!!
  5. I do naked wheelies WTF? Ppl only hate what they can not do .......I ride wheelis everywhere i go through yards over cars around traffic whatever whenever. Wheelies rule and donuts ,and endos,and drifts,and helmets!!
  6. I got 2 yesterday.I like to use my HMR .17 ,It will split a yotes wig at a couple hundred yards. Very fun gun and it doesn't scare them away!!
  7. Angrish

    last post

    I'm moving to the farm today.No internet for a while ,Thanks its been alot of fun. Ps I know you don't care I'm just waiting for a couple of ppl to show and I'm sitting and I'm waiting and sitting and I'm waiting............................................ Merry christmass
  8. Angrish

    Guns and Deer

    Bear traps are cool to!!
  9. Thats cool, Glad he got the tractor out of the way:eek:
  10. Not a fan of craftsman. Snap-on rules!!!
  11. Angrish

    Guns and Deer

    I got 2 at the farm.And some birds to!!
  12. I'll take the hookers and blow. That thing is junk.
  13. hey going to get my truck some parts I should be back by 11am hit me up!!KC

  14. I have a ton of shit. You can have it.PM me
  15. HAHA BITCHES take that:badgerrock:
  16. I got the white shoes and the rep!!!!
  17. When they land in the middle of the bike both feet are down.
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