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Status Updates posted by yotaman88210

  1. :eek: Wow. Well happy birthday to your mom!! costumes and drinking at 7am... im beyond jealous! haha. Well I am most likely going to the point of cedar for the halloween thing they do. Ive never been up for that and it sounds like a good time. Im doing that saturday. The rest of the weekend will prolly be chill time and um, laundry :(
  2. :lol: AM i gonna see you tonight?
  3. :lol: hahaha. Ok cool, dont let them stop doing samples till I get there! Woman isnt off till 7 so we should be there by 8! :D
  4. 35 gen admin. Not bad. Who else you going with? Wifey?

  5. ah dude thats gonna suck. Sorry. :lol: be safe but GO FAST!! :D :D

  6. AH yes! You are correct! I shall send a message via cellular communication device...

  7. Ah, I was wondering why the swing arm was just chilling there :D

  8. Ahhh wonderful. The colors are sane again! :D

  9. Ahhh, ribs. Gotcha. Its kinda a small picture... not that size matters. :o haha

  10. Ahhhh shit!!! I forgot no work for me either... That could be a crazy good time! I will try to get down and pic up a ticket asap!! So you wanna start a thread and see if others are interested?

  11. and boom goes the dynamite !

  12. Any word from Pat about an extra car?

  13. Apparently your referrals are the most... Congratulations. I owe you a prize! Cookie?

  14. Are you challenging me to a game of kerplunk? I will own you!!

  15. are you eating tonight or just going fur beers?

  16. Are you using the motorcyclewishlist site? its pretty sweet how you can set it up

  17. At least your bike is in one piece. I still havent started puttin my shit back together. My freshly powder coated frame and wheels are just chillin in my basement. Once my new motor is built it will be more motivation to get her back together

  18. aTALLasian... very clever my slant eye friend! :D

  19. Back to normal. I was out of it friday. But I had a long night thursday night... so that is my excuse. Next time we should adventure out into the world and have some fun :D

  20. Been partying too much mang! haha. How is your little people maker doing ?

  21. Believe me I know!! When you are forced toy start your day at 0630, you kinda get used to it... wait, no you dont. Just in a good mood this morning I guess. :banana:

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