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Status Updates posted by yotaman88210

  1. Yea I may be doing something that saturday too. Im not sure yet. My friend is trying to plan a big party... My shoulder is already feeling better, so I will prolly go one of the days. Guess we will see what happens when the time is closer

  2. haha. Maybe... NO! Funny story... went skiing last night at mad river. It was all ice but I, like a dumbass, had to hit the jumps anyway and separated my shoulder after a hard crash. Stupid fookin ice :( I ended up skiing for 3 more hours and then couldnt move my arm. Good times.... so depending if im healed or not, I may not be going. But I should be healed... end of story

  3. Nice report of the doggy! :D

  4. haha. It says youre in the toolbox! Thats awesome!! :D
  5. hahaha! thats awesome!... Look ma! No hands!! :lol:

  6. If you ride hard Id go with the power pilots. Ive never used those, but Im pretty sure its a harder tire. Wont be as sticky

  7. Long time no see man!

  8. You never know. haha Looks doubtful at this point. :dunno:

  9. Cool, I miss my lotus. I dont get to see her anymore. Her and Jonni are a package deal :(

  10. What kind of puppy did you get?

  11. aTALLasian... very clever my slant eye friend! :D

  12. I may be coming that way next weekend. My friend has a cabin in southern ohio and she is having people down. Not sure about it yet

  13. sounds like a plan. Ya know, it just wont be the same without the school girl outfit tho. :lol: Im sure there will be many more parties to come!!!

  14. Yea that would suck. 2 hour drive still drunk and hung over all at the same time. That doesnt sound fun at all.

  15. ouch. Yea that might not be a good idea. Especially all the drinking that will happen tonight. Actually, your boss just called me, he said you could have the day off tomorrow. :lol:

  16. here is columbus, well Pickerington actually

  17. Good work!! I still dont know what Im gonna do. Im pissed cuz I love halloween and cant think of anything. I will prolly just go buy something today.

  18. whats your costume, I forget. Is it like a girls gone wild type thing?

  19. Im going to a party tonight. Should be a good time! Super hott costume huh... you should come with me! :D haha

  20. What you doing for halloween?

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