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Status Updates posted by yotaman88210

  1. You should be impressed. I have mad pole skills! haha. Nice pizza pic! Maybe i will add that one to my collection. hahahaha! I keeed. :D

  2. Lewis Center ey, thats pretty Cool. I will give ya a call sometime soon. I can swing by and grab them too.

  3. DoooD. I need to come get my tools from you. I needs em. :D

  4. haha, well I had to add you to my collection so I could post it... ok actually Ive had that picture on there for months! ;)

  5. :lol: hahaha. Ok cool, dont let them stop doing samples till I get there! Woman isnt off till 7 so we should be there by 8! :D
  6. are you eating tonight or just going fur beers?

  7. Nope, sorry. Not me. I was just up there helping out.

  8. Didnt, see my bike. I wanst riding. My bike is still in pieces in my basement... Wait, you werent in my basement were you? :D

  9. ha, you were in the garage next to me at mid-ohio this past weekend. I was in the garage with all the ducatis. thats funny. I obviously havent met you. Hope ya had fun!

  10. Hells yea! thats moving good! I cant remember what I was doing. It was in the 20s somewhere. Ive never ran a full day there. Everytime I have gone ive only done a few sessions and I didnt have a lap timer on all the bikes I was riding. Congrats on all the progress!! :D :D

  11. so what kind of times were you running at Putnam this past weekend?

  12. They only bike night as of now is at QSL Wednesday nights. We are planning to get another one going tho. :D

  13. haha. Its just funny. I dont even remember a PW80. ha. Thats awesome! :D

  14. Hell yea man! HE is a GREAT guy. Im sure it looks great but Id like to see some pics! :D

  15. Did ya get in contact with Keith?

  16. Id love too but cant. I will be at the next one man.

  17. Of course I know Chris....

  18. Ha. I have mad wheel chair whooolie skills! :D

  19. Ahhh wonderful. The colors are sane again! :D

  20. happppy birthday man!! :D

  21. I like to keep it simple. Your Easter egg page hurts my peepers

  22. HOLY fuCKin Shiot! THE colors! NoooOOooo. Must. Not. Look. :eek:

  23. We can do that for ya man! Just let me know when you have the wheels

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