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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Ok... I suggest that we all meet somewhere and ride to Bolton, or we can meet out there. There is a restaurant on the field (http://www.jpsbbq.com) that has pretty good food and its cool to sit outside, eat, and watch the planes.

    After Bolton, a couple of us are headed down to Hocking for a ride, so if anyone is interested you are more then welcome to come along. It will be a nice leisurely ride, nothing crazy fast. :)

    Julie³.... you have not listed a date or time...

  2. ive got 2 couches in my basement. nothin great by any means, kinda crappy really but they would work for garage seating, one has a matching chair, u can have it u want.

    That may be good for the garage... I do eventually need seats out there. Im looking for something for inside right meow. All I have is a futon as of now. thanks man, I will let ya know!! :)

  3. I figured I would post up on here to see if anyone had anything before I bought something somewhere else... Sooo did anyone just get new furniture and trying to get rid of old stuff? Im not looking for junk, but Im not trying to spend a ton of money on a couch right now... must me free of semen and ass sweat. Thanks!

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