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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. If you have to put that much money and work into an sv, why wouldn't you just buy the gsxr? I agree that would be a fun setup, but maybe I'm just too lazy to want to change that much stuff for little result compared to putting the same $ in the gsxr..

    Just my 2 cents

    thats maybe two hours of work... wow. haha. and money... well if he didnt have money he wouldnt be buying another bike.

    SV1k... not a bad move. But heavier.

  2. :wtf: Seriously? People listen to "sad" songs when they are sad? I dont get it... if im in a bad mood, or sad mood... i try to do other things to make me happy... not listen to depressing music to make it worse... thats just me tho. :dunno:
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