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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Does anyone know exactly where the horn is located... I couldnt find it this morning. It sounds like it was kinda behind the fan shroud. Is it just tucked up underneath ? Closer to the middle or passenger/driver side? Any info would help. I need to dis connect it because of a wiring issue. Thanks!

    Also, I looked, but I dont think there is an individual fuse just for the horn. Might be a relay, but I kinda need to disconnect straight from the horn. THANKS guys!


  2. wow didnt realize there was such a debate on types of oil to use lol, what happened to jsut throwin some motorcycle oil in lol but thanks for all the tips and advice its good to know these things tho about the different oils, when it comes timer to change (which its got 7300 now service manager said im good to 12) so when i hit 12 ill start worrying aboiut oils

    Good for 5k miles... um I would change it after 3k. Especially if you are using non-synthetic.

  3. Honestly, Yota, I hope that this doesn't kill it when we meet again. I understand your side, but please understand mine. I am not going to sit here and let you sling shit when it is not substantiated with the right info. I haven't slung mud at Matt about anything. Not once and I haven't told people to NOT go there. He does good work. My suggesting Rub is based on what a LOT of others will say and the experience he has is undeniable.

    We're talking race prep or track prep work here, by the way...

    I havnt slung any shit at all. The whole reason I am defending Matt is because of your obnoxious post #62

    I havent said anything negative about Rub or his new company. I was just trying to clear things up for your un-called-for comments about Matt.

    When I thought I could actually afford to race, Matt said he would help me where he could, yes. But as I said, Im not getting anything free from him. It was more moral support than anything considering I still have not raced. Im going to buy a mini-motard bike to race at CRP because I can actually afford it realistically and could be more competitive there. Hopefully I will still be able to do some track days this year... and about dorving out there... To be honest with ya, I drove out there the 3 plus hours to help the guy out and to hang out with a friend. Yea it was alot of gas money, but I would usually have the people who own the bike I was taking give me money for gas, or at least split it with me. I enjoy hanging out at the shop as Im sure you and lots of others on here do.

    This isnt going to kill anything between us man. No worries. Im done arguing about it. I just didnt appreciate the way you were talking about him and had to defend him.

    VW151... carry on with the girlfriend pictures... she sure does have a purty mouth :D

  4. Might be the case. As I stated, Reuben met the guy last year...

    I know you are a fan of Matt's and I understand why you are so defensive, but look beyond the suspension dyno guy thing... I acknowledged you MIGHT be right and I know you hang around Matt a lot and do things for him for him helping you out in return...

    It's all good. Like I stated, there are good guys out there and there are better guys... Nothing wrong with the good guys at all. Not a thing.

    Yea, it is the case. Just ask Reuben. He can tell ya and prolly already has.

    I can say the same thing to you, you and Reuben are obviously really good friends. You have his stickers all over your bike and you are talking about him every chance you get on here. All I am saying is I know the real story behind how the shock dyno usage came to be. If it wasnt for the fact that Reuben was working for Matt, he would of never known about it.

    Yea, I hang out with Matt. Yes, I like to promote his shop. But its not cause he does anything for me. Im not getting anything free from Matt by throwing his name out there. I just want people to know that he is one of the best Mechanics ALL AROUND. Not just suspension, but from headlight to the exhaust he knows his shit. Yea, he mostly works on Ducati... Duh, he owns a Ducati dealership. He works on every make tho. If you have ever been yo his shop you will see he has lots of zooks, kaws, honduhs, triumphs, Moto Guzzis, I have seen all makes and models in there. And Im not even there much.

    But yes, there will always be good guys and guys that are better. I agree. But I prefer the better guy and thats why I go to Matt.

  5. The one Reuben uses is different then... Unless Matt uses the one Reuben found last year... I think you might have it in reverse, but that's not the point. It's good that Matt is using a shock dyno... That's something that SHOULD be used.

    Im not going to argue with you, I know the truth. It is the same dyno and Matt starting using it last year when he found it. Rueben happened to be working for Matt at the time and thats why Rueben knows about it and is now using it.

  6. If you're going to Indy, i suggest Reuben at 35 Motorsports. Matt's got tools and such, but Reuben has the most up to date info for suspension set up and he can tailor your suspension stacks and internals to fit what you are doing. Not just fix and repair and install... Matt's got tools...Reuben's got knowledge and even more tools like a shock dyno, etc...

    whoa whoa whoa, now I understand Rueben is a site sponser but I think you are HIGHLY underestimating Matt here. "He has tools" you have got to be freaking kiddin me man. Ducati Indy has only been open for a couple years yes, but Matt has been Ohlins certified for what, TEN PLUS years... Have you ever seen the stacks and stacks of shims and spec cards he has? Not to mention he had all this stuff before Duc indy was even open.

    I know of many people here in ohio who have had Matt do their suspension. NEVER once, not even ONE time has anyone ever said something negative. Its almost always been a shocked response of how much of a difference it made. Matt has done tons of custom work for me and lots of my friends through the ducati club and its always awesome.

    You want to talk about racing expeirence? Well Matt has been racing for years and also has been building totally custom suspension for racers for years. Last year his custom setups won 5 chamionships.. 5 CHAMPIONSHIPS! the riders were mike books and mike flis.

    Shock dyno you say? Well thats kinda funny too. Matt was in contact last year with a shock dyno that he is now using. Yep, its the same one. I wonder how Rueben found out about the same shock dyno?

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