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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. single male i live in lancaster,ride a 2006 sportster, enjoy riding when i can, looking for new people to ride with, and have fun , love the outdoors!;)

    Welcome, single male living by Polaris Parkway here. I ride a 2001 Ducati and also enjoy riding when I can. Im always looking for new people to ride with and have fun, I love the outdoors and long walks on Alum Creek beach ;)

  2. I know... I'm just kidding... lol. I once told my nearly 200lb friend that I was certain I could give him a piggy back ride, because I had been able to carry someone who was 175lbs, and 25lbs just isn't that much more. After nearly 20 mins of convincing, he jumped on my back and we both made very good friends with the pavement. I just think I'm waaaay tougher than i am. :D

    200 lbs is alot for a girl... Oh snap. Just kidding, I know youre a beast. I think you gave me a piggy back ride, if I remember correctly. Or maybe I just gave you one. :dunno: Jeez, stupid jager bombs :nono:

  3. Hey guys,

    New to the bike scene but I'm down to ride on the 4th....did I hear it was $150 to tune?? That's a steal! Do you know if that will get you a custom map as well? Thx.

    Wont really have time to do custom tunes that day... You will have to make an appt. This is just a dyno day

  4. The guy that did the welding is Keith, im not 100% on his prices, but he is EXTREMELY reasonable, and local to gahanna. Not to mention he can make about anything you would want... anything.

    Joe, youre welcome for the help. Thats what friends are for man. I just hope you have a blast on her at barber this weekend! Im fucking jealous im not going man!

    OH and like vw151 said, Robert is an awesome guy. I will try to bring him out to an event. This is Robert...



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