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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. isnt there somebody out there that is trying to use one of these suits to land without a chute? thought i saw something on tv or online about it. could be wrong. its happened once.

    Yea, he is trying to land in a really tall huge funnel type tunnel thing. His plan is to have the tunnel slow down his decent. I remember see that too. Looks interesting, but suicidal.

  2. Most frame sliders are designed to break on impact... If they didnt break, then you would have the tumble effect as Dweez said. The thought of that scares the shit out of me. You could go from a 50mph low side, to a tumble nose over tail. Id rather just fix one side.

    I guess I would only put sliders on a 100% street bike. Thats just me tho. :dunno:

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