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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. True story. Getting your suspension set for your weight makes all the difference in the world! Its like riding a new bike!! This is especially necessary for those of us who are not in the standard 150-170 weight class. :D Damn you tasty food!! :lol:

  2. I dont see the point to lying.. I say the trutrh regardless of whether it sucks or not. But I know what you mean about the lying. My friend's boyfriend always makes shit up when they are fighting and lies about what he's doing and who he's talking to just to piss her off. its so weird. He would text his dude and when she asked who he was talking to he'd make up some girl just to be mean..

    Fucked up.

    He needs a kick to the junk... or his girlfriend should start saying she is talking to other guys! :D

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