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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. I never posted anything here that I know of. I did on Chicago Riders - maybe you saw one of the trips there. Joe had to buy a new chain once, but never wrecked or dropped his bike that I know of. But I have slept since then and may have forgotten. Never claimed to be too bright, ya know.

    Anyway, doesn't matter. Scrape up some cash and come with us this year!

    I knwo u wernt posting here. Maybe it was CR... O well. Either way, awesome trip. I couldnt come up with that kinda money man. Im trying to build a race bike right meow. Im poor :(

  2. i always run with my brights on just to make certain they see me. thats one of my biggest fears is haveing someone pull out in front of me at last second. it was awhile ago but my cousin's best friend had a lady back out in front of him and he layed the biek down and slid under her car and she procceded to back over him and his bike. she then freaked out and pulled back into her drive running over him again. :nono: he didnt live.

    That is extremely fuckerd up! :eek:

  3. ive had all sorts of bikes.. new gixxers, 80's honda,..and for the street this bike takes it. streetable midrange power and torque all das way.

    ps goooooooo guinness

    pps gggggggggooooooooooooo killians

    ppps fucj yea jameson

    Somebody got a little wasted last night... :lol:

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