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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Jeez, I dont even know where to start. Basically, getttin out on the track was the BEST thing that has ever happened to me. Ive been riding the street since I was 17, im 22 now. To be honest, when I was 17/18 of course I thought I was a badass. I wasnt, I constantly did stupid shit, constantly. I made all kinds of bad decisions, and when I started to pucker in a situation, I had no clue what to do.

    I just started riding on the track last season. I think I did 5 or 6 days. All at mid-ohio. I started in novice, of course, because that is where EVERYONE, EVERYONE in my opinion should start. Even if youre really really fast on the street and a good rider. There is A LOT to take in your first time on the track. TONS of things to pay attention to. Also, the classrooom sessions will really help... as long as you pay attention and dont think in your head "Pfff, I know all this, Im jsut gonna sit here and act like im listening." NO you fucking TOOL, pay attention and you WILL learn something.... Busides, the group one and two of the novice sessions are pretty fast. Id say the 1st group in novice is running as fast as 30% or more of the intermediate riders by the end of the day.

    So, I did novice for I think the first 3 times I went. The 1st time I rode in group 3. then everytime I came back I asked to be put in group one. So after that I felt I was ready to jump up. I signed up for "I" next on a Thurs with the AMA guys. This was perfect for me. The I and the A were riding together that day. The best time I ran was a 1:47. Not too terrible. My duc is no where near as fast as a 600. I top out at 140 on the back straight and Im looking for 7th gear... its never there for some reason.

    I then did two more days in the Advanced group. Matt Carr came over and did one with me for shits and giggles. He helped me a lot on my line. We figured out I needed a little more pre load too since I was faster now. BTW, he is a suspension GOD... go to Ducati of Indianapolis for your Suspension needs!! You wont be disappointed.

    Anyway... now Im so addicted to the track Im gonna go get the race license and start that process. Got a 900ss with a 944 motor that is getting rebuilt as soon I get some more cash together. Ducati of Indy is gonna set me all up.

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