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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. You are the one that claims RACER not me.I have never said I was fast,I'm not but neigher are you.You are faster than most people on this site but thats not saying much.

    You dont even know what fast is. :rolleyes: You do know how to talk shit tho, obviously.

  2. He can't help it. You should see/hear him on the track. "I am tired, if the pros are crashing the track must be slick, blah blah...."

    Im sorry, last session of the day when I saw the jordan guy 50 feet in the air and picked up pieces of his bike with monte.... That was enough for my day to be done. It was so fucking hot that day too. :thefinger:

  3. Well yeah of course but It will cost ya... and no holding on to tight, its uncomfortable!

    peach yogert does rock!

    are you taking your bike down? Or flying? If I went, I would skybus that shit!

  4. If you all personally KNOW her, how come she's never said 1 thing on the site before?

    Because most vaginas dont post. Same reason as all the other ladies we ride with who are registered on here barely ever post. Most women just dont do forums. :dunno:

  5. :D She signed up March of 2007 and never posted YET! Soooo, I figured I'd see if we can bring her out of the woodwork and get her posting.

    She's "33" today! Hope she's drinking ROLLINGROCK! No better birthday to drink the rock than your 33rd!

    Stole this off of her webpage...:metal:


    Can anyone say stalker? hahaha :lol::banana:

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