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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Damn, this story is years old. As soon as I saw her face I remembered her. I think Im her myspace friend, anyway...

    I always wear my gear. I dont care if people think its goofy that I wear a one piece suit on the street. Ive wrecked with, and without protection. My wreck at 25mph when I was 16 and being stupid hurt ALOT and my left elbow was all torn up.... Wreck at 70mph at Mid-Ohio this past season with all my gear on really wasnt bad at all. I was actually back out oon the track 45min later, no cut or scrapes... one very small bruise the next day. Not too bad.

  2. Ive had an iPhone since Thanksgiving, I love it, but there are a few things it falls way short on, lack of MMS, which you can get away with by using the email on the phone, its not that hard really. Inability to send a text to more than one person (this is apparently fixed in the 1.1.3 firmware update available later this week) lack of GPS on a phone with a dedicated google maps feature. Seriously, WTF were you thinking here? Its like selling Porsches that don't have a key or ignition. Yeah it looks pretty, but basicly useless for getting your ass anywhere... In the 1.1.3 upgrade they added cell tower triangulation to locate you apparently, and a few other features to actually make it worth a damn.

    The screen on it is amazing, ive seen other phones that do all this and more, but nothing with this brilliant of a screen. I'm in Tulsa OK right now, posting on my iPhone, loaded in 4 movies for the plane ride out and back on it too. The movies look awesome on here. For most reasonable uses its replaced my laptop. I don't even bring it on trips anymore, this thing does more than enough to keep me connected.

    And the key board isnt bad at all once you get used to using it. It is a major pain in the ass the first time you use it though.

    New upgrade Also allows you to move the icons around on the screen and make more than one page. You can even switch the four icon around on the bottom, and if there is a website you frequent, you can set that as an icon... like a shortcut on your desktop. That phone is sweet.

  3. Fuck Blu-Ray

    I highly doubt apple's HD is going to be 1080p. I didnt read anything about quality or resolution. Have you ever seen a blue ray on a TV with 1080p capabilities that was at least 42in. fucking amazing!

    The other thing is, I like to own my movies. I like having the collection. Thats just me tho, some people only watch movies once and they are done with them. If thats you, cool. I want to own tho.

    Im not saying apple isnt badass, they are! Im jsut saying it will be very hard to compete with the quality of blue ray.

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