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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. We broke up for about a month... the begining of sept. I had very good reasons.... Then we ended up getting back together at the end of sept... thats all Im gonna say. Pops things when I saw u was about a week after we were talking again. LONG story. Im gonna stop there for now.

  2. I have to argue the facebook. I joined years ago when it first started and was only available to people in college. It was much better then. It was very easy to search for friends you havent talked to since high school. Now that it is open to the public, it is turning into the myspace thing. O well. It was good at one point...

  3. Yea people, lets pay a G for a dog when there are thousands suffering at shelters. Sorry, but breeders piss me off... most of them anyway. I see no point in bringing more animals into the world when we cant accommodate all the ones we have already.... Just to make some extra cash.

  4. I shop there because more times than not they have it in stock. If they don't, I'll order from somewhere else for cheaper.

    Not if you ride an Italian Bike. I cant even get a oil filter half the time. Ha. its understandable tho. not too many people have Duc shit instock. Ha. I said duc shit! :monkeypoo:

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