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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Welcome to the site man! Which hospital do you work at? There are only a couple level 1's in C-bus. I am messin around in the ER here at OSUMC everyone once and a while.... But anyway, :welcome:

  2. Cool. Thats what I guessing. I just got new springs in the front that are better for my weight. Makes a HUGE difference! That will be sweet once you are all setup. It will be like a new bike again!! :banana::banana:

    yea, i spent a lot of money on these forks, and they didnt work. So i'm shippin them back to the guy to inspect them again and make sure he didnt screw anything up. So it BETTER be perfect when they come back

    DAmn I would be pissed!!! Who did the work for you ?

  3. I was waiting for that one. I dont think thats what he meant Putty. I think he was saying most people dont realize how crazy the roads are down there and dont pay enough attention. For sure not a place for a nood or a squid. You sir, are neither!

  4. I know a guy who is a suspension genius!!! Its funny you ask this cuz I was just about to make a post about who wants to get their suspension set up. Ha. He charges the standard $50 but he takes his time and does a really really good job. He is actually opening Ducati of Indianapolis, but is in columbus a few times a month. I plan on talking with him and setting up a weekend where anyone from the site thats wants their shit setup can get it done. He will be very honest with you too, he not the type of person who id gonna try to sell you something just so he can maek money

    I will arrange a date, and anyone who reads this that wants to get setup, post up here!

  5. Went and checked out the PPP on sunday cuz I was in the area and I wanted to stop by and say whats up to Jeff. That place is AWESOME. It will be a good time having a cookout there. The party is gonna be badass! We need to get an estimated head count, but I think it may be a little early to start that.... But if you know you are for sure coming then go ahead and chime in! :banana:

  6. Zorro wrote:

    Hmmm, cant wait til he adds custom paint to it...some black, a little white...introducing the "jordan bike"!

    Considering the Jordan race bike is blue/white and is a suzuki.. you really seem to know what your talking about Zorro..

    Once again.. your

    zorro if i follow you putty is switching to the bulls now instead of the lakers? some of us (flounder) are just a little slow when it comes to colors. if it's not in his little gay rights flag ( :supergay: ) he doesn't understand it. :D[/quote:adfe5]

    Oh I understand the colors.. and for the record... Jordan has a race team which rides a Blue/White Suzuki he said jordan bike not bulls bike... .. so blow me..

    Check it yourself.. http://www.23race.com/


  7. Cool. Thats what I guessing. I just got new springs in the front that are better for my weight. Makes a HUGE difference! That will be sweet once you are all setup. It will be like a new bike again!! :banana::banana:

  8. I see people riding around all the time wearing sunglasses with their helmet in the helmet holder. You could but two extra helmets and put them in the helmet holders on each side of the bike, then you would have CUSTOM frame sliders!!! :banana:

  9. +2, my gloves look just like the ones above but solid black cuz I'm a pimp!

    Damn, 78 miles son?! What'd you do, buy it with 75? rofl.

    I put a hair over 50miles on my bike today, rode out to gahanna, to bexley, out to hooters/reynoldsburg and around downtown, it was a blast! I want to ride some more, you got your temps or endorsement?

    Yea, I was actually impressed how you rode, considering it was pretty much your first time on the real roads. I have riden with many new riders and have had the SHIT scared out of me and right down my leg. You didnt do the classic stalling at traffic lights or anything. Good work man! So did you get on the high way yet??!?!?!

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