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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Fine with me. Marshalls then @ 5:30.... My buddy was thinking about having a camp fire tonight. He lives up off polaris. About 5 minutes from kickstands. Would anyone want to ride out there and hang out for a while? Beer and fire is always fun :D

  2. Would anyone be willing to come to my place to give the bike a once-over and let me know if I need to do anything to it?


    Let me know if you still need help, I helped Matt(superhawk) get his bike road ready. We could both come by and check her out if you want, and as long as Matt is available the same time as I am. Later bro and welcome to the bike world!!

  3. 1700$ never dropped with 6000 miles. So far i love the bike its been great for a starter which is exactly what i got it for :)

    Thats not a bad deal. Start looking for something bigger tho, that bike will prolly bore you very quickly!!!

  4. Hows about this... Panini's on campus right next to the newport has happy hour till 9pm mon-fri. Half off ALL drinks, not limited like applebees, and half off all appetizers. There is plenty of room but we would have to park in the garge and it will cost a dollar, or we could find street parking. Just an extra idea. I like going ther cuz it lasts till 9 and sometmes people dont get off till later. They have lots of tvs and pool table too... Whatcha think Charles?

  5. Motorcyclists lead police on high-speed chase

    Shortly after 9:30 p.m., the cyclist crashed into a deputy's cruiser on Crossbrook, just east of Parkglen Road.

    I wonder if the rider fucked up/just wanted to end it by wrecking... or what prolly really happened was the CPD made him crash. Thats a sad story. I bet some of us have riden with these guys and we will hear about this down at taco bell. Sounds like thats the area they were coming from :dunno:

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