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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Bunch of dudes I work with did. They didn't just ban their gamertags they banned the console too. Haha.

    Yep, I guess people are going out and buying a new system. That sucks!! I think they are maybe giving another option... paying some fee or something. Im not sure exactly, but either way it SUCKS! Oh well... PS3 FTW!! :D

  2. I guess if it comes down to it, people can just buy me two pre birthday drinks and ill take one for the team by consuming them. I know, I know, I dont have to, but someone gots to do it! :D

    Yea so I forgot today was thursday. I didnt have to be at work till after 9am... coming at 630am was a huge mistake. Im working till 6 tonight. Bout to go back home for a nap :(

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