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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. :lol:When i was 17, i got drunk...with this girl and her friend's. I was told to shove it in her hole. We're both drunk, she's getting humped in her butt, with me on top of her. Half asleep. As soon as i finish, she throws up on the floor. (yeah i know...more vomit :rolleyes:) And goes to sleep. WTF!? Next morning...waking up...walking to the bathroom...she comments her ass is sore...and asked if i stuck my fingers in there. :lol:

    holy fucking shit dude! You totally raped her assgina! Youre going to hell!! :lol: I had to quote this so it couldnt be changed!!

    ........wait, on a serious note. You got butt loving at the age of 17? You da man... you da man! :lol:

  2. this is my favorite thread ever....discussing the best beer ever while referring to women only as vaginas (which is something i do on a daily basis, terrible i know)

    lmao!! You do that to? haha I thought I may be the only one... Of course I have a pretty twisted sense of humor. But it makes me laugh, even if im the only its fine in my eyes!

    QFT. Then there are the ones that scream PIIMB while drunk, then scream at you the next morning for doing so. Then scream louder when you tell them their sister never yells at you for doing that.

    OMFG you have no idea how hilarious this actually is. Im not gonna say which part tho hahahaha.

    I agree bad324... this thread is just full of win. I should change the tittle to Christmas Crack and Vaginas :lol: But then too man people would notice what we have going on here. What a good start to a morning.

  3. Depends on the Vag really, I have drank with vaginas that are quite when drunk, and Ive been drunk with vaginas that wont stop talking in loud volumes when drunk. Then you have the vaginas who dont want to talk at all cuz they have objects in their mouth... like um a beer bottle. You really have to look out for those. They are evil and will suck you in... no pun intended.

  4. My dog has been pretty good about not eating my shit. Of course he did get a hold of my SPY ski goggles. Those were not cheap and are useless now. I couldnt even punish him for eating them cuz I wasnt there when in happen. He would of been wondering why he was getting an ass beating for greeting me at the door. haha.

    Other than that, he has been great. Just have to lay down the law when necessary.

  5. lol. Don't we all get loud when we're drinking? :drink:You were fine at the Halloween party....:dunno: Are those girl's opinions?

    Yea, I guess when you have a vagina your hearing skills are increased when your are drinking... Silly vagina. Always causing trouble

  6. My only other weekend it looks like here then is the 19th of Dec. How's that look for ya? I know it's the weekend before Christmas, but that's still hear heart of the holidays. Thoughts??

    Hmm. That may just work. I have another work thing the 18th, but I see nothing on the 19th yet.

    My mouth is starting to water at the thought of having a 1/4 barrel of Christmas Ale. ZOMG!

    So who else is down for this? Just imagine 8 delicious gallons... 80 12 ounce glasses, of pure uncut Christmas CRACK! :drink::D

  7. I gots too much on the 5th. So far the 5th is my work formal christmas party, my ducati club christmas party, and my Dude that owns Ducati of Indianapolis wants me to possible go to Florida to help him with a race... I think Florida is gonna win if I can get off work

    But yea, $30ish a person would be awesome and it will be DRAFT!!! nom nom nom!!! err um, gulp gulp gulp...

    Side note... Molsen XXX... yea that was my beer of choice for a while with a few drinking buddies. We liked to give it to newbs and watch them get fuckered up really fast and laugh at them cuz they couldnt figure out why. Dude, Ive only had 4 beers and im hammered! What kind of beer is this???! :lol:

  8. I like where you're heads at. If I get some time today I might call up there for the hell of it and see if they do sell kegs of it privately.

    Thats what she said.... :lol: But seriously... find out what you can for prices :D :D

    I have room up here, especially now that I am "single". I will make a call. Its a long shot, but my cousin's youngets boy is a driver for House of LaRose, a distributor up here. Wonder if he can gets us a deal or something.

    And JRMMiiii, you can come, and drink Sprite you uncultured dweeb.:p

    Being single is fanfuckingtastic!! I too am freshly single :banana: HELLS yes, get ahold of the distributor if ya can and try to finger out some prices. I am guessing a 1/4 barrel will be around $150-200. But thats just a guess :dunno:

  9. damn man where are you shopping? I thought I was getting ripped at 10.99 at Heinens. Last year it was 9.99 a 6pack and some places I could find 8.99 but pretty rare. I've yet to find it under 10.99 yet though

    10.99 seems to be the going rate this year. :( SUCKS!!! they need to make it a regular brew so they can cut costs down! Fuckers. Why is it that all my favorite beers are seasonal? Is it the fact of their seaonalness that makes them my favorite? :dunno:

  10. Yota...that's it! We need to throw a Christmas Ale Virgins Orgy! Anyone who has not had the stuff needs to sign up and we'll have a shindig to bust all of their cherries at one festive yuletide event. If more folks are in C-Bus, you host it, if more are in NEO, I will.


    Yea, I can host if we do this in Cbus. My place isnt huge... but its plenty big :D

    We should look into get a 1/4 barrel or something? :eek:

  11. Christmas Ale is nectar of the gods, Yota! I will be stocking the fridge this weekend with it and having a very merry holiday season!

    If you need help drinking items in said stocked fridge... let me know! :D

    edit: FUCK you are too far away :(

  12. Sometime over the course of the season I'll take you up on that challenge. Even better I'll try to post or take video :drink:

    How about we each slam a 6 pack and make a video! I hear that christmas ale can help to promote butt secks... Maybe one of us will get lucky! ;)

  13. Joe, love that video! Mouth hymen! :lol:

    Um... sorry Curby. MagicassHat does not even come CLOSE to the ale of Christmas. I challenge anyone to drink a six pack. You will feel really funny, I promise :D

    Although I think this year the first couple batches have been weak compared to last years which was the first year of the new recipe

    The batch I drank last night was not weak. It was delicious!

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