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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Mahalo.

    As for the "Cool kids" or my "core group", I was saying that in a joking manner. I'd rather not name drop in an intro. If they post, that's fine.

    Joe its cool man, you can name drop me. :D

    WELCOME to the site homie! Its about time you came over to the cool kid forum! :cool:

  2. Shocker Costume $40

    Drinks at QSL $12

    Drinks at Kickstands $15 - they hooked me up! :D

    Seeing your ex girl friend of almost 4 years randomly at Kickstands with her new bf while wearing said shocker costume and not giving a fuck about the crazy bitch cuz you have two hott chicks with you... FUCKING PRICELESS

  3. Rep going to you for the Playboy Pic.....mmmmmmmm

    She was letting Ryan touch the cannons :eek: Not, gonna lie... it was hott :D

    ps--- I hope the poor man in the Harley Davidson shirt in the last 2 pics found his way home. He looks a little lost.

    That was the woman's husband who has the peace sign up

  4. How red was your back the next morning? :p

    Not red at all. My body is use to the abuse. :D No but really, I was actually surprised it didnt leave any marks. No war wounds at all :(

    It just occurred to me that this is video #2 on youtube of me doing something ridiculous to kevin.... awesome.

    haha. This is true... I kinda forgot about the other one.... here is a lil reminder. NEVER EVER try to ninja kick MJ or this may happen to you :eek:


  5. :ttiwwop:

    Well my camera was stolen so I cant take any :(

    I could maybe get a crappy cell pic, well my cell is 3.2 meg so its not too terrible.

    Soo.. who all is going? I was leaning towards not going because Jim won't go with me and I don't want to intrude on Yota's action with the ladies. LOL

    I certainly wouldn't be Octo-momming-it.

    haha. I get no action. :) But you should come. Tell jim to quit being a punk and come have a few beers! Maybe I scared him last saturday haha

  6. Why for do people waste money on lap dances so much. I mean I guess it feels good but there isnt a happy ending...shit I can think of better ways to spend $30. But I guess if you are desperate and havent felt the touch of a woman in a long ass time then its worth it.

    Hmmm.. now im really starting to ponder this. Let see, take a chick out for dinner - at least $60?

    Movie or some sort of other entertainment... $25

    Shit if thats a first date and as I stated you havent been with a women in a while, so obviously you have no game... you might be lucky if you even get a kiss goodnight. So you would have to at least double that for any action at all, so now in for close to $200 for two legitimate dates and STILL no lap dance. lmao

    Alternative - strip club wait for the buy one get one dance spend $30 and hell tip her ten if she gives ya a good show. You just saved yourself about $150 AND congratulations.... She threw in a set of Blue Balls FOR FREE!!! :trophy:

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