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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. I think i'd be pretty excited about karaoke... what's better than a bunch of drunken motorcyclists dressed in costumes singing karaoke :dunno:

    Thats kinda what I was thinking... But doesnt look like its gonna happen. We will have to plan this a little better. A drunken idea at 4am the night before the party is kinda short notice... Maybe we can do it for the Christmas party.

  2. I hears 1000rrrider got banned an wont be there ??

    Who fooking cares about the rider of the onemillonRR. HE couldnt ride that thing anyway.


    I will bring a 27in tv )not my big one cuz I love it too much and 52in is unnecessary( anygay ... KARAOKE SETUP...how we gonna do it?


  3. i have had 2 kids the old pull and pray. Condoms are cheaper!

    haha. You didnt learn that the first time? :p

    I think the last condom I use was the Trojan Twisted Pleasure. and I dont remember what it was like. I didnt use latex with the ex

  4. this would be fun.......... but i dont live in columbus
    I'm not seeing your point.....
    i live far away.........
    uh huh... and ?
    im allergic to laughing :(
    awww, bummer kid. that sucks. :tongue:
    i know even when i smile i start to itch ;)

    Ummm... It might be 4:20ish... But all in favor of saying KAWI is a bisch if he doesnt come say.... > > > wait for it.... >>> :banana: ... Cuz I might be wearing that? :dunno: SOber post oUt!!

  5. We have done CT scans on said cadavers at my work. I didnt understand what was going on at first so I started being friendly with one of the researchers (it was easy, she was hot) and she explained what was going on. I was always curious when they came in with huge boxes REALLY early in the morning. They do CT scans to see what "broke" haha. They usually do it before and after. Cool stuff. I would have to say, those suits are pretty impressive!

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