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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Well if we find ya in the bathroom for a while we will know what you are doing..hahahahaha.. j/k Man, that sucks about the bike. Sorry to hear. Better alive than dead. P.S. I hope that new hole doesn't grow any hair..lol
  2. hahahahahaha..Good posts in here..Nice. I feel ya. I am the same way.
  3. Nice. I must have missed that part. Thanks.
  4. Does anyone know where I can find some professional car detailing products around town. I know most places wont sell them to you unless you have your own business in detailing.
  5. I'm running on 3 cylinders..hahahahha..That was funny when he tried to rationalize it..lol
  6. Thank you bearshare..I have a copy of DD..I would like to get a copy of MaxRaceSoftware.
  7. Problem solved! Thanks for the help here guys.
  8. No phone number as it comes up private, and he doesn't have a car.
  9. Well there is this guy that is treating my friend. Super bad threats..Well this guys knows where my friend lives, but we cannot find where he lives..Anyone know someone I can talk to, to find his address or more info? We would try the cops, but that isn't going to stop this guy as it has been done, before. Any help is appreciated.
  10. How about an "Stupid People Eater" made out of an jacked up F150 with an vaccumm..lol I sure could use one of these.
  11. Good people are hard to come by now a days. +1 to them.
  12. Hmm..To bad there isn't anyone in my bracket..lol
  13. Crazey and I should be there.
  14. Haha..That is what I have now..Sucks bad with my wireless router.
  15. Hmm..Well thank god I might be getting a job with WOW cable..I don't want roadrunner.. And HALO is awesome.
  16. Haha..My bad.. It is the one on Morse rd. Maybe Cleveland Ave and Morse
  17. Well I went to the Monroe Brakes and Muffler shop on Morse Rd and 161. A fellow C-bus racing member works there and gave me a good discount.
  18. hmm..I think this one is obvious.
  19. ROFL...Put the safty on next time..lol
  20. Balian


    Man, this thread is an easy answer.. First of all, think of it from their point of view..The "ricer" is just now getting into cars and doesn't know an valve cover from an oil cap. Second of all, their knowledge isn't based from an car guy, a shop, or even a book. Most of it is comming from the movies that they see at the Theater or their "friends" ideas who prob don't know any better. They think that since they saw it in the F&F that it has to work. Also, getting an exhaust done is very cheap compared to anything, and those freaking fart pipes are usually cheaper than anything. When I bought my cavy, I had to much peer presure to get an "fart cannon" from all of those little punks that have them because they say they are great and really do free up so many horses..Screw that..I wont have an fart pipe on my baby. I now have an Magnaflow that is deep and low toned..Not ricy..These kids just need to shop around and spend some time on the computer researching. Just my 2 cents..lol I could be wrong though.
  21. Boy, that is exactly what I did..The IV process is the best isn't it..lol
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