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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Well I got really screwed this time..I "worked" at DecisionOne, for more than 9 months only to get screwed today!! For months I have been watching people fuck up computers, people not knowing how to even turn a PC on, try and fix them, I have even seen people drop them on purpose just to get someone in trouble. Well due to the bad quality that they were producing we, as in the "techs" were forced to go through all of the laptops and check for all of the mistakes that we were making..Well, I work on the front line and I check every laptop to make sure that it doesn't have any defects in the casing, functional problems, and to make sure that it comes with all of the stuff that it is suposed to. Well I pass it down one of two lines. The first one goes to the repair line when it fails and the second one goes to the imaging area.. Well I am well known for all of the EXCELLENT work that I do and I am the only one who has actually kept this damn company from going under. Well we got a new boss, and because of this, he brings in a few of his "friends" because we need the extra help. Well I am fine with that..lol. Recently, when we were goinig through all of the PCs, looking for defects, we found about three pallets worth. Well today after I get out of work after fixing those bad PCs, I get a call from the place that I am working for telling me basically that I got fired due to Quailty Issues..I am like wtf. Well I come to find out that my name came up on 30 of the laptops, and that was by far the most number of failures..And as I looked through them, I know for a fact that they weren't mine, and that the ones that were mine were failed to the repair line to be fixed..And these failed for the reason that I posted on the sheet!!!! I really hate people that are jealous and will do anything to get you fired! So now I am outta a job and gotta start looking again. I really hate people!!
  2. Damn...I shouldn't need anything though. Thanks for the adivce. I will call them tomorrow.
  3. Well I got a muffler that I want put on but does anyone know of a shop that can do it for me? I tried a few places today and they told me that they would put it on only if I buy it from them and I already have one.
  4. dude..don't let it bother ya. Just get your info from this and leave it at that..lol
  5. Well I got some coil upgrades and they are made of that stuff. And already I have felt a bit of difference.
  6. Man, I so know how you feel. I cannot get my foot in anywhere in the field up here. Hell, I have had two different PC Tech business in TX and people seem to think that I am way to young to be doing any of the stuff that I am doing. I am even going to ITT right now to get more degrees and certs..I swear..These people that are doing the interview really don't care and they don't seem to understand that they are ruining other's lives because of their one sided decisions..
  7. Does anyone know anything about this material?
  8. I don't know about yall, but when I lived in Cleveland, I had a friend who had gotten 6 different tickets within 2 months. He went to court and they never showed up.. I am kinda hoping that they do that down here as I have to go to court tomorrow..Wish me luck. And yea, Lyndhurst is a speed trap. I got tagged there once and I told the cop that I was lost and trying to find my way home. Worked for me..lol
  9. Kinda makes me wish I didn't give up my Fiero..lol
  10. Bad downpour over here on E.Broad St and 270. It is washing my car for me nicely..rofl
  11. Balian


    Haven't decided yet. I might just go for the RK sport ones because I have heard some good things about them.
  12. Balian


    Well from what I have seen on the jbody sites, there seems to be a 10 to 15HP gain at the low end. Not bad for 175 dollars. That and the sound difference.
  13. I third this. I have yet to have a prob.
  14. Yea, there were bottles everywhere and people were tossing them every which way.
  15. Well either or, they need to learn to not do the stupid stuff..rofl. I don't think that will ever happen.
  16. Man, there was a huge ricer meet there last night. Bunch of stupid kids doing burnouts and e-brakes. I guess they will never get the idea, and keep getting kicked out.
  17. Balian


    Cool. That is what I was thinking also. Maybe a 5 hr job or so. And yea, header..hahahaha
  18. Interesting. thanks. That is what I wanted to know.
  19. Does it sound anything like a turbo though?
  20. I know you have them on a turbo, but can you have them on a supercharger? Someone keeps insisting that they are always on them but if they are, then why don't you get the sound with an SC that you do with an Turbo?
  21. Balian


    Hu? I drive by there all of the time and I even tried to make an appointment with them last week. Did they just change owners or something? They answered the phone with Mr. Tint.
  22. Balian


    Does anyone know how hard it would be to install headers on an 2.2 ecotec? Do you think it would be generally hard to do?
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