Does anyone have any experience with these cars? The goods and the bads? I'm specifically looking at 01+ M3's and similar year 330CIs. The goods and the bads? How is the reliability? I think both models are absolutely beautiful cars.
What is the aftermarket like for these cars? The 333hp of the M3 sounds pretty nice, but the 220hp of the 330CI sounds a bit timid.
I stopped at MAG just a little bit ago and peeked into an 02 Black M3 with ~39,000 miles on it for ~$37k, a 03 silver M3 with ~32,000 miles of it for ~$39K, and a silver 330CI. I think they were asking ~$26K for that one, 49,000 miles. See pics here.
Do those prices sound fair? How much do you think I can haggle on a Beemer?